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Everything posted by rskyline

  1. I too did a pingtest.net and score A line quality, and yet i have problems, but if its a ping test it uses ICMP protocol, wich doest test port connectivity or reliability, i also can do a speedtest.net test and the results show excelent bandwith, but again the test its likely run over the port 80 (web server) wich it will not have any issues. I download from a FTP server that doesnt have the standard port 21, and because that a cant download at full speed at peak hours. All im saying its that those tests doesnt tell you much. You could be having dropped packets related to the client or ARMA II server ports for example. (wich are most likely not the same) i hope you can work out a solution.
  2. rskyline

    Death Glitch every time i spawn

    You're not the only one http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/104270-respawning-with-no-gear-and-broken-legs-and-with-bleeding/
  3. This happend to me and 3 friends yesterday, only in 1.7.3, and i know from other people having the same problem, i play in a private hive. After a while trying to reconnect i spawned at the beach, dead, with no gear, and all the indicators green (blood, thirst, and hunger) like this: http://www.linkers.c...00002-jpg.1236/ i kept trying to reconnect until i appeared alive with no gear and could continue playing xD
  4. In your case i would try to disable your router firewall or whatever it is that manages your connection, and try to change from NAT to Bridge mode so you don't have to use a DMZ or open ports, in my case when i do that i get a new public IP form my ISP, thus maybe at a ISP level that could change routing or some routing parameters that eventually could solve your problem, its a long shot tho. Also you could take into account the restrictions that ISP's put to manage traffic at peak hours, for example i live in Chile, and my ISP puts traffic restrictions during almost the entire day untill like 2 AM, those restritions sometimes cause me troubles with games like COD4, DayZ, or even TeamSpeak, thats because they're giving more bandwith to services like web surfing and others and limiting bandwith to other ports wich to them are not important like torrents and such. So maybe that's giving you trouble. That server that you posted in wich you can play longer has a no standard ARMA II port, maybe because that you can play longer before you get kicked. Thinking that maybe your ISP has restrictions on those ports. Have you tried playing in a server that has BattleEye disabled? I hope some of this helps you