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About T-Dawg

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Me and two players was playing on a server with 9 people including us. I was waiting for them to run to my location at the suburb north of Balota airfield. While I was waiting I decided to check out the prison. I went in and cleared all the rooms and started looting upstairs. While i was behind at the wall behing the stairs I heard two shots right behind my and I was insta-dead. No footsteps or nothing. 1½ min later my friend was gun downed running on an open field. He also heard 2-3 from right behind him and he was insta-dead. I respawned at Solichniy and decided to suicide to get a little closer to Cherno. I ran to a bridge and killed myself on the first try. I was very lucky and respawned in Elektro. Started to run west right away and I saw a huge explosion a few hundred meters infront of me. I as ran closer it looked like the explosion was at the petrolstation. I continued to run and got shot 10-15 seoconds later. Again it was two quick shots fired from right behind. Insta-dead. It alls seems very strange and isn´t exactly normal. I have logged aroung 110 hours and never even seen an explosion before. Couple that with us being shot three times in just minutes on a server with only 6 other guys. Either we were really really really unlycky or there was something fishy going on. They never missed us with one shot. All hits. Well the only conclusion I can be really sure about is that these things are not normal in Dayz
  2. I´d lika a late beta. That means they have more time for a lot of yummy features.
  3. T-Dawg

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    I came to this.
  4. T-Dawg

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    På onsdag morgon.
  5. T-Dawg

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I agree. They will be well rested when they come back and hopefully have even more energy and motivation to bring us more fixes and content.
  6. T-Dawg

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    8 hour server because then it would be night time every other day in the normal guys "after work" time. Or make night darker. As it is now you don´t need your flashlight because you can just increase gamma and brightness. Which sucks
  7. Oh come on. When people are on the beach without guns then everybody (almost) are nice. People turn into raging sociopaths when they get a gun or see somebody else with a gun :) (Well actually, I was attacked a couple of times as a fresh spawn by people with axes. I told them to fuck off and they did. Mostly because they realized they will never catch up to an unarmed guy when they have a weapon equipped) But you are right. As the game is now everybody might just as well start off with an M4 and a clip of 30 bullets. That why the cheesy people save some time sprinting to Balota and then do some server hopping. But I have no doubts this will be dealt with in due time.
  8. This is a good idea. I also think there could be a health penalty that gets more severe every time you die. This would make people less confrontational imo and it would be a risk to attack an armed player/group. This penalty would of course go back to normal over time.
  9. I think it actually started to get going when they removed the bandit skin. When there still was a bandit skin it was KoS on all bandits but you tried to be nice to the rest of the guys. Bandits had a harder time the rest so there was really a consequence to being a bandit. Now it is none except that everybody treats everybody else as a bandit.
  10. And this is how the KoS killfest started and now you die even more as a result of it. Consequences...
  11. Maybe so. But in the long run your survival chances actually gets worse. Everytime you KoS someone you contribute to an increase and after time people get tired and start KoS themselves. Who knows how many times you snuck by a guy hiding in the forest having the chance to kill you? Next time he might kill you for your pristine raincoat instead of letting you go just because that´s what all the other assholes do. Of course you can do what you want, that´s not the issue. I´m not trying to force you to play a certain way, I´m just telling you I think you got it wrong. But if you come here telling your story you should be prepared for reactions. You may think you are hardcore, but playing your way is actually the easy way. And killing someone for beans right now is just so fail. They are easy enough anyway.
  12. This is really good news. Now we just need something for the cheating combat loggers :)
  13. I always share my food if somebody needs it. It´s people like you that feed the KoS mentality and then it goes into a bad spiral. Usually when I´m playing in a group we get whatever food and water we need rather quick and then we can focus on getting gear. If somebody attacks we fight back. The only time we attack somebody is if we really need something and then we will try to capture them first. Personally I think it´s a little too easy to find food right now. It´s good that some people are bandits but it´s way too many imo. A sound amount of bandits will keep you on your toes. I guess this is what happens when you can insta-respawn instead of have wasted your only life. If there was some penalty from dying I think everybody would be a little more cautious because they would know that if you fire at someone they will surely fire back.
  14. T-Dawg

    Mouse really hard to use?

    I think its great. Maybe there is some problem with your computer or setup?
  15. T-Dawg

    is great feeling being noob again

    You will be a target!