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Everything posted by chefjustice

  1. chefjustice

    I cannot see my character.

    Hello I can't see my character in main menu, also I cant see it in the "Character" menu. It causes that I can't edit my small chinese girl. Is there any way to fix it? Cheers
  2. Hi I'm wondering if DayZ Origins has something like public hive? If no, are there any servers using the same hive?
  3. chefjustice

    BattleEye script restriction #45

    It depends of the server. You should try another one.
  4. hey when i play on namalsk (AWA) i get kick by BE: corrupted memory #64. Deleting BEClient.dll helps for 3 min. It shows when i'm re-joining this server. Any ideas?
  5. Do you have newest beta patch? Try to reinstall Battleye (by deleting BEClient.dll from C/(...)/users/??/appdata/arma 2 oa/battleye but i think there is a problem with this server
  6. Try to join other server after installing newest beta patch: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  7. chefjustice

    I'm having the 0 kb/ 0kb issue. Please help!

    Did u install newest beta patch? http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Try to start game with DayZ Commander, it's IMO a little bit better
  8. chefjustice

    Battleye corrupted memory #64

    okay guys, it works :)! really thanks.
  9. chefjustice

    Bad serial given in setup

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/53723-no-more-copying-to-your-oa-folder/ just do this enjoy :)!
  10. chefjustice

    Kicked Battleeye restriction #41 and #45

    It depends on server. Deleting users/appfiles/Arma 2 OA/Battle eye/BEClient.dll should help you.
  11. chefjustice

    Taxi :<!!

    Hey guys I need a taxi from North West Airfield to Kamenka for a Ghillie and/or Camo clothing :)! Please PM me or post here
  12. chefjustice

    Taxi :<!!

    its not available anymore :)!
  13. chefjustice

    Taxi :<!!

    yep gonna meet my friends there and hav no time to run :(
  14. chefjustice

    Green Mountain.

    SAD_FROG.PSD p.s me too
  15. chefjustice

    Found an M136 Rocket Launcher! Fast!

    maybe on dayzwiki.com
  16. chefjustice

    Found an M136 Rocket Launcher! Fast!

    it doesnt do anything
  17. chefjustice

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 klesh Nice trade, quickly and safe. This guy is amazing.
  18. chefjustice

    Looking for L85/AS 50 and Ghillie

    Hi I want to trade my: M14 AIM (3-5 mags), M4A1 CCO (ammo+), GPS, Camo Clothing, Mountain Dew and Camping tent for L85A2 AWS with ammo, AS 50 with ammo and ghillie suit. steam janciwo617 skype cianhewson
  19. chefjustice

    Looking for L85/AS 50 and Ghillie

    not available
  20. chefjustice

    Dayz Trading Post

    They don't know that characters reset if have hacked weapons
  21. Yo bros I want to get L85A2 AWS with Ghillie for M14 AIM, M16A4 ACOG FN FAL AN/PVS-41 and 2 Camo clothings. I can give satchel charges for some M9SD ammo and NATO ammo.
  22. chefjustice

    Looking for L85A2 AWS and Ghillie Suit for...

    still available bring up my post
  23. chefjustice

    Looking for L85A2 AWS and Ghillie Suit for...

    Do u want M14 AIM or DMR ?
  24. chefjustice

    Looking for L85A2 AWS and Ghillie Suit for...

    There is some change. I dont have M16A4 ACOG anymore. I have FN FAL AN/PVS-41
  25. chefjustice

    [Trading] a lot in stock. Robin's shop [open]

    Hey man I have: Satchel Charges, M16A4 ACOG, M14 AIM and 2 Camo Clothings for trade. Im interested in L85A2 AWS and Ghillie + optionally NATO Rounds.