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Posts posted by OperationDayZ

  1. A party system would be good idea I think, the game really needs one.

    Just at the beginning where you first join a server, just before you spawn, a good party system to invite friends to play together and START the journey together would be good. Maybe cap the party size yeah, but I don't know what would be a good number..

    Since it's all about role play zombie survival simulator. Spawning you at a random location at the coast is random itself.. Why not have an option to start together with a friend? Thinking the game in real world role play, I doubt people would start their journey by themselves. Starting your journey in a group is survival, the first thing MOST people would do in real life..

    It's really hard to find each other, either die on the way, don't know where each other are, or just too far and too long to even meet up.

  2. Not atm, because the zombies AI is already hard and unpredictable with lag movements. To increase their health even more is just too much.

    As long as those are fixed I would agree, but then more ammo drops will have to be found. Too much zombie chases, very hard to outrun them and the hordes grow. Your ammo will just instantly get depleted and you'll be running around the entire game.

    Run or die.

  3. I think the main problem is cos at night it's so easy to get alerted by zombies, and a lot of trouble of getting rid of them. I've ran quite far to and always having trouble getting rid of them, but most of time the horde grows.. :(

    Was wondering can you out run them? Not really enough bullets to kill every single one and then the loop cycle of getting alerted again off your firing shots.. You get what I mean? It's like an infinite cycle of an alerted loop. Playing at night doesn't help at all..

    I assume rocket will be implementing some post processing effects to take care of this. I know other ARMA mods have your vision slowly accustom to be in the dark and you can lose that night vision by looking at lights.

    I don't 100% understand what's post processing effects' date=' but how can it be used to help night time gameplay? Example?

    Max your HDR, gamma, and brightness. Night is alright as is with a full moon, but I don't think you should have to max your gamma and brightness just to maneuver in the dark.

    But doesn't that just destroys the purpose of night time gameplay? If everyone is being told to turn up the brightness/gamma/hdr? Why not just set/fix this?
