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Stella (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stella (DayZ)

  1. Stella (DayZ)

    Inventory Overlapping UI

    Hello, I installed Arma 2 Free, Arma 2: Combined Operations and DayZ last night and so far I've played for about three hours, but I've had serious trouble playing because of an issue with my inventory. When ever I try to click on an item to use it, such as the bandages, the green box one must click to 'Use Bandages' disappears behind the other inventory slots, making it almost impossible to click (I've managed to bandage twice, but it took a lot of quickly left-clicking then right-clicking before it decided to work). Similarly, I wasn't able to equip my flashlight until I sat around left-clicking and right-clicking for a good three minutes. If it helps, I downloaded Arma 2 Free from the official site and added it to my Steam library, bought and installed OA via Steam and I installed Day Z (the second most recent version) using DayZ Commander. Thanks, - Stella EDIT: I got the feeling from read what some other people had said about different issues that I may have needed the full version of Arma 2, so I got that.