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Everything posted by broskiboot

  1. 1] Nickname: Casper 2] Region(Country): United States (NY) 3] Are you willing to be active: Of course. 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes. 5] Steam name: matrixreflex 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: I began half-way through DayZ the mod's development. Maybe a year. 7] How many Clans have you been In: Two. 8] Previous experience: Roleplaying, years and years of gaming, 9] How many bandits have you killed: None so far, I'm geared up but can't seem to find any players to interact with. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Of course, even though I have had a past of being a bandit I think helping players will be a nice change, I would like to roleplay and immerse myself in DayZ with other clan members and use tactics & professionalism to hunt down bandits.
  2. broskiboot

    What's your favorite town/city?

    Berezino, near the South-East airstrip.
  3. It's really your preference, I understand each side of the argument. The 24/7 1000 vehicles might be kind of cheating but you don't HAVE to play on those servers. I used to play on those servers because I never seen cars in normal servers and the night was unbearable. So they are good for new players and people who just want to have fun because DayZ doesn't need to be 110% serious realistic.
  4. broskiboot

    How to mug people as a fresh spawn ;)

    Wow.. That's a very cheap thing to do. As funny as it is I don't really approve since they worked hard for their loot and all you did is spawn and left-clicked at them a couple of times.
  5. broskiboot

    Suggestion: Rain Ponchos

    I like the camouflage ones, it would look nice to wear those while it's raining on DayZ
  6. broskiboot

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    I agree fully, it would add nice immersion and you could make your own stories with it. Plus, if you want to re-spawn you can just suicide in an epic way other then just running into zombies. Sure it might be abused but to suicide you need a weapon and you can simply suicide by running into zombies anyway.
  7. broskiboot

    I won DayZ. Yep.

    I really want a chest-holder, it looks awesome!
  8. I would like a clan or partner that place DayZ Origins. I'm a Bandit so I would like to be matched with other bandits who play Origins. Skype: sampguy
  9. I'm not bad at Dayz, I know the basics and all that. I'm just an unlucky person and I like playing Dayz with other people. If anyone would be nice enough to add me on skype we could play :). Don't add if you're under 13 and have a squeaky voice. Thank you! Skype: "sampguy"
  10. I'm 15 and I play Dayz. I'm a bit new at Dayz and looking for some partners.The age limit is if you can't be less than 13. Message me or reply and I will give you my skype and steam name. How to see some new partners soon :) Gmt -5
  11. broskiboot

    I got a question.

    I started playing Dayz because of youtubers and I've been playing Dayz for a bit now. Most of the youtubers I watch have Snipers/Machine Guns/M4's/Dmr's all this nice stuff even choppers and vehicles but I'm lucky to find a lee enfield. Can someone tell me why? PS: I'm looking for a partner that can play with me. I'm 15 and Im looking to have fun with other players of this community because I'm sick of playing alone.
  12. broskiboot

    Looking for people to play with.

    Adding you now.