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About Mooseocalypse

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  1. Mooseocalypse

    What the hell happened to night servers?

    Ooooooh man. Sneaky night time zeds. My scariest night time story, it was late evening during the first week I started playing and I decided to make a run for Stary before the sun set. I took a visual bearing for Zub and descended into the darkening valley. I pretty badly mistimed it though, I was less than half the distance to Stary when the sun went down and the moon was nowhere and boy was it black with a vengeance. I was in the middle of nowhere with just 20 flares. As it turned out I had just enough flares to almost get back to Cherno, but then I accidentally fired my Enfield instead of throw a flare and dinner bell was on in full force. I couldn't run from zeds and throw flares at the same time, and I couldn't run too far from the flare I had out because then I would get hopelessly lost in the dark. I had to battle it out right there with my Enfield against an almost never ending supply of zeds. Night time is so much fun.
  2. Mooseocalypse

    What the hell happened to night servers?

    Hahaha okay, city boy. I take it you've never been in a pitch black moonless night far away from cities. Zero ambient light. ARMA is the only game that does night time even remotely close to realistically.
  3. Mooseocalypse

    What the hell happened to night servers?

    Yep. When I first started playing in May, there were so few servers around that they were all 100% full 24/7. People played in the dark because they had no choice. But now there are more than enough slots to go around, the item duplicators have spammed NVG's for themselves, and the community has been invaded by kids who aren't up to the challenge of playing at night.
  4. Mooseocalypse

    Okay....so do you guys thing im gangsta?

    Pretty sure 4chan is here for the night.
  5. Mooseocalypse

    Worst 30$ spent.

    Sounds like OP got a little sand in his vagina last time he spawned on the coast.
  6. Mooseocalypse


    I'll give you SVD ammo, but I want your SVD for it.
  7. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters.
  8. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    Guys. Guys, listen. This kid is the generation of the future. We are so fucked.
  9. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    His mom won't let him have root beer until he's 13.
  10. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    By the way, you can't kill 2 people and then expect not to have attracted attention to yourselves. If I heard enough shooting to drop 2 guys on the move, I'd be running to the gunshots at full sprint with a giant "I'm going to murder these jackasses" boner.
  11. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    Yeah I've got a right hand too but I don't call it my girl.
  12. Mooseocalypse

    - Fat Asses And Camping At Heli Crashes -

    Well that explains the tragic lack of social skills and English composition.
  13. Mooseocalypse

    Bell noises, what do they mean?

    Time. Count the chimes and it'll tell you what o'clock it is.
  14. Mooseocalypse

    Bring Side Chat BACK!

    No thanks, I really like DayZ now that I don't have to listen to the pissy moaning of teenagers. It's bad enough that they play the game, I don't want to have to read their inane discussions about how they're going to fuck my mom or whatever. No, side chat can stay dead please.
  15. Mooseocalypse

    Nerfed guns and more zombies makes johnny something something

    Wow, just stop right there, Mr. Internet know it all. .45 is STOPPED by nearly all class of ballistic vest. Pistol rounds of almost all calibers are stopped by vests. An it's not going to "smash all your ribs" for gods sake. Stop talking if you don't know what you're talking about.