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Everything posted by icebreakr

  1. icebreakr

    New map in the future?...whats the rumours?

    Thanks, glad to see so many fans of Lingor around =) well, the thing is that I won't be doing any maps for Dayz:SA. I focus on Arma 3 work only. But I'm sure some other guys will come up with plenty new stuff. I quit playing Dayz:SA because the map is so boring I could fell asleep while walking around. Maybe that will change with final release (vehicles, added settlements, etc.) but I doubt I will return to this game.
  2. icebreakr

    New map in the future?...whats the rumours?

    I see that my maps are mentioned in this topic and some others. As a creator of Panthera, Isla Duala, Lingor, Jade Groove and several new maps in the making for Arma 3 only (Balkania, Tonal Reloaded, Abramia, Keystone etc.) I can confirm that none of my maps will be present in Dayz Standalone. I support A3 game only. Thank you.
  3. It has come to my attention that someone has been tampering with my island (changed roadsigns for example). I do not allow use of any of my work (islands, any pbo addons) for the mod. Please give me feedback on the video above. Due to this changes I will probably not allow use of any of my usermade content for the SA Dayz.
  4. icebreakr

    [Forum] DayZ Community Heroes

    I've seen my name pop up in this topic, where can I get access to that group? ;)