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Everything posted by JaraCimrman

  1. JaraCimrman

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    thanks for the patch
  2. JaraCimrman

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    thanks for update, cheers from czech republic
  3. JaraCimrman

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    please put this into game :D
  4. Hello, i cannot login into feedback part of dayzgame site, i think its because i have blank space in my name (Jara Cimrman), is there any solution to this problem? Thanks
  5. JaraCimrman

    Can't login into feedback.dayzgame.com

    Yeah i just found out, but thanks for the answer!
  6. HellsHammers.net is friendly mutigaming clan running multiple gameservers (CS:S, CS:GO, BC2 & DayZ atm). We are looking for nice people to play in our Private Hive DayZ server. If you would want to play hackfree DayZ in good server with nice and fair people, you are the one we are looking for. Individuals, friends, clans, groups... everyone is welcome as long as they wont hack. We do gear checks regularly, and try to that way prevent hacked items/vehicles/weapons in our server. If anyway we find a hacked items/vehicles/weapons from players inventory, that player is banned and removed from database asap. Our server is running in DE, and has chernarus map running atm, GMT+0, 3DP:ON, CH:ON. You can check your ping by typing hellshammers.net in your search box. EU - Apply password @ hellshammers.net Chernarus (v1.7.2.6/Beta 97239) [Regular] [3DP:ON CH:ON] [GMT [dayz] DayZ So, if you want to have good playing experience, in good server with nice peole, go and apply password @ HellsHammers.net Keep in mind that we have PvP allowed in our server! So Welcome!
  7. JaraCimrman

    HellsHammers Private Hive

    Please make a new thread at our forums (www.hellshammers.info), this one is not watched by admins :) Thank you
  8. I'm having troubles with running the spawn vehicle script manually today, when i click the button on control panel, it says "<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in <b>/disk0/Sites/dayz.st/modules/ajax.mod.php</b> on line <b>5</b><br /> You must restart your server for them to spawn ingame." Nothign actually spanws ^^
  9. They face always North, but you can change this in Instance_vehicle or world vehicle table by changing the very first number- "0" in this case- in the world space column - 90 for facing west, 180 south 270 east etc
  10. Hello, how does ingame admin works please? When i select "Server Control" ingame it kicks me out wihout even asking for password :S
  11. Having an issue with "server running incorrect server side application...." i jsut played half an hour, reconnected and it showed up
  12. Hello once again, on our server humanity system doesnt work, every each 1 of the player on the server has 2500 humanity and it wont change, we really miss teh bandits and heroes :)
  13. Can you tell me, please how to spawn these? The option in maptool says "Add building (coming soon)" and is greyed out, so how do you guys do it?
  14. OK i just spoke to guy in support, he is saying something about that im using wrong/banned class names for vehicles and that youre using the unbanned/allowed ones (i showed him this thread) Can you please provide me class names youre using for your custom vehicles? I dont think this is the problem since every specific vehicle has its specific class name and it's only one, but i dont really see any other soultion. :( Thank you!
  15. Best thing to get players is what you just did, open server for public for few days, but then announce "We will be enabling whitelist in X days, get your ass on the list!" and im sure you will get some ppl edit: 1 more question, did u guys make the vehicle spawn locations by yourself 1 by 1 or did u downlaod some sort of table which was already done to fit panthera? (world_vehicle table i mean)
  16. yep we have dayz.st as provider aswell, gonna speak to support soon i guess. btw played on your server for like half an hour and many nice vehicles and many people nice playing ^^
  17. No bother, thanks for trying atleast. Only custom vehicle working is mv22 and uh60 atm but better than nothing
  18. Thanks for the information but that is not what i mean. I right click on the map and place custom vehicle (MV22 for example), after restart teh vehicle is there because in order to vehicle to appear server needs restart. But i cannot get the venom/little bird/takistan huey to spawn at all, i tried many vehicles but only few of them works, how come the little bird for example works for you, but not for me? Also i choose vehicles from this site: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php
  19. greetings server admins, i have 1 question how did u spawn the little bird, venom and takistan huey? i have this map tool where i can put custom vehicles on map (think u have the same), but these 3 vehicles jsut dont spawn when i restart the server, any ideas?
  20. i updated to 1.7.3 on namalsk server, some people are getting wrong version errors and some people (me) join without problems butt spawn in debug fully geared up.........
  21. Let me introduce you who we are, HellsHammers.net is friendly mutigaming clan running multiple gameservers (CS:S, CS:GO, BC2 & DayZ atm). Right now we are looking for some bandits that like challenges! There are usually only friendly people on server (10-15 playing in the evenings), so if you want our loot, come get us! Individuals, friends, clans, groups... everyone is welcome as long as they wont hack. We do gear checks regularly, and try to that way prevent hacked items/vehicles/weapons in our server. If anyway we find a hacked items/vehicles/weapons from players inventory, that player is banned and removed from database asap. Server is running in DE, and has chernarus map running, GMT-4, 3DP:ON, CH:ON. You can check your ping by typing hellshammers.net in your search box. EU - Apply password @ hellshammers.net Chernarus (v1.7.2.6/Beta 97239) [Regular] [3DP:ON CH:ON] If you want to have good playing experience, in good server with nice peole, go and apply password @ HellsHammers.net Happy hunting ^^
  22. Hello, can anyone tell me how is it possible that some servers that are connected to main hive have their side chanel enabled? I thought it was deleted and could not be possible to enable.
  23. JaraCimrman

    Sidechat on public servers?

    from what i have understand, this enables the side (blue) channel // sry, didnt read carefully ^^