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About monalisacry

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    On the Coast
  1. I glad to hear someone think that too :) yea i hope they add this to dayz standalone :(
  2. - Radio tool - Radio tower feed - Frequencies - Voice messages for other players to hear These are my suggestions. And lets talk about how it works people cant communicate in game from distant areas. With radio tool and frequencies this will be more easy and fun. Radio voice must be changed by game a little bit for realistic radio voice You can leave cycle message as Im at ........ ( city,town, whatever...) i have food, weapons and shelter. If someone still alive please contact me im at ........ frequency and youre not alone :) ( im legend style :P ) and i think its become more complicated for bandit teams, because you can find their frequency and listen their moves ( or it can be used for scare them ... - I will find you and kill you (: ) For leaving the cycle messages you must visit a radio tower and height of tower must effect the signal range. Frequency system ... - It should me more complicated like 999.99 frequency lines and if you try to hear 118.56 but youre at 118.10 the voice must be parazited and shaky - Valleys and mountain side large forrests must parazite voice even its on true frequency For last thing there could be two types of radios - Civilian Radio - Less range and frequency channel - Military Radio - More range and sensitive frequency options And goverment cycle feed for evacuation :) ( maybe in russian ) Thanks for reading ...and ideas to make it better you can write :)