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Everything posted by smiley_ie

  1. smiley_ie

    video problems?

    Edit dayz.cfg in your documents/dayz folder try window mode change Windowed=0; to Windowed=1; or change screen res there also.
  2. smiley_ie

    Client crashed when alt+tab or minimizing.

    -winxp can cause alt+tab to crash.
  3. smiley_ie

    Microphone doesn't work please help ASAP

    Try steam-settings-voice make sure your recording device is set on the right one, A mate of mine had a problem and think that's what it was.
  4. smiley_ie

    my issues thread, current graphic issues

    Night time ? Can be extra dark if you have clouds turned off turn them on, Try day time.
  5. smiley_ie

    my issues thread, current graphic issues

    Sorry its in documents / Dayz
  6. smiley_ie

    my issues thread, current graphic issues

    Try running windowed edit Dayz.cfg and change Windowed=0; to Windowed=1; Other things it could be ? Mine below Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; refresh=60; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080;
  7. smiley_ie

    Game hangs when trying to find a server.

    Sorry i though you said Gang hangs. ? Make sure you disable HIPS
  8. smiley_ie

    [Possible Fps/Lag Fix Solutions]

    I tried a few things made no difference game is gone to shit as soon as i hit towns after last patch.
  9. smiley_ie

    Nighttime Bug??

    I just connected to 3 servers all Night time even though they say day time ?
  10. Planeside 2 did a thing called optimization (after release) for 6 weeks where they dedicated there team to put all of there resources graphics/level design/ coders/textures/Modelers into optimization and it F**king worked . Arma 3 is your template to see how the engine over the last year fails in optimization (and thats after todays patch) and Arma 2 has failed for a very long time so after buying all BIs products from OPF on 56k dial up you tell me why im COMPLAINING about a engine that was developed six years ago and still can not deliver on today's or tomorrows hardware ? and I'm complaining ? As i said i would like to see optimization & Zombies from the engine before berry's and painted guns ? and that's what im paying for !
  11. Stop adding crap, optimization and zombies.
  12. Focus on optimization and Zombies before adding content.
  13. Where's optimization & zombies ?
  14. smiley_ie

    How much you Play? Im addicted!

    dec 24th 62 hours and stopping ;)
  15. smiley_ie

    Could DayZ be done better on a different engine?

    Yes, Just Cause 2 would work very well check Avalanche Engine 3.0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzmEhQ-T_vc JC2
  16. smiley_ie

    Healthiness & Blood Regeneration

    Your welcome Morgan.
  17. smiley_ie

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    No RB and getting good fps haven't hit a big city yet ? Thanks for the fix
  18. smiley_ie

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Unplayable for me rubberbanding.
  19. smiley_ie

    What random events would you like to see?

    1. A big ass EU plane randomly dropping supply's. 2. Military Bombing large city's 3. Bad weather & Wildlife.
  20. @ postgresql It's like when you start to jump you do it also try ALT F4. Check http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155081-logged-out-in-house-fell-trough-floor-and-now-im-stuck/
  21. I fell through a floor and got stuck like this what people suggested that worked for me was run and jump at a wall and disconnect from server when you reconnect it should be ok? Took me about 3 goes for it to work.
  22. smiley_ie

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Great News :D
  23. Watching Chopper director's peace's and heard this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vwP8u6b1Ig
  24. smiley_ie

    DayZ Chop Chop music!

    Listen to the music !
  25. smiley_ie

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Updated latest beta couldnt connect to shit, Uninstalled the hole game reinstalled updated to stuck with beta 947876 played on local servers and had very few problems other than Z's "not moving around". Other than that Z's detection seems very good, No crazy spawning, Loot seemed well balanced, preformance citys 35 - 50 fps wooods 60fps overall good player banance and starting to enjoy it again. Cheers guys keep up the good work.