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About smiley_ie

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Dev-Team could learn a thing or two from this. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-division-2-devs-response-to-crunch-and-player-/1100-6467822/
  2. smiley_ie

    pre .59 hype

    If you look at the road map and where they are it's a complete mess, Guaranteed two things that will happen " prototype Console - Expected price €34.99 / $43.99".
  3. smiley_ie

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    Wow two years to import a model "Littlebird" and test it. Exciting stuff.
  4. smiley_ie

    A few questions

    Wow I just asked some questions .......ok bye thanks for answering my questions.
  5. smiley_ie

    A few questions

    I dont play that often im just curious whats going into development ?
  6. smiley_ie

    A few questions

    How much money has Dayz made. How many a working on the PC game. How many working on the Console game.
  7. smiley_ie

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Its june, New renderer when ? this game is f**ked until we see it and what it does.
  8. smiley_ie

    Status Report - 14 May 15

    Why are you testing performance of client/server side now ? Surly you would ad the new renderer then test performance.
  9. smiley_ie

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    - Random desync. - Random client crashes. - Random server crashes. Why is this making it into stable isn't this is what exp is for ?
  10. smiley_ie

    Well it's been a while...

    I think its being terrible i dont run exp so when they release a update i have a go and it seems to have the same problems for me all the time. Lag Dsync No zombies When there is Zombies there running through walls & doors Zombies hitting you through objects Melee combat is awful Awful performance random fps drop Non response to key's 1,2,3 and so on Awful menu system Very clunky controls They have made a huge amount of money of it and it still feels the same clunky mess it did a year ago.
  11. smiley_ie

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    I have one problem with 0.53 it’s the same problem I had 06/02/14, No zombies I seen two and they ran through walls, Lag, DeSync, Getting hit through walls, None reaction to keys 1,2,3, and so on, Throwing items disappear "physics ?" And shit performance, Good update.
  12. smiley_ie

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Dont play much anymore when they release a patch i have ago i have a huge drop in fps in this build.
  13. smiley_ie

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    There starting to sound like politicians they talk alot and do very little, sure why would they sitting there on a big pile of cash and the price is going up ? If they could develop as good as they are at making money we would be in beta now.
  14. smiley_ie

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Had ago agian tonight just being running around got chased by a zed randomly hitting me and i cant hit him ? Ping 37, Im done
  15. smiley_ie

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Just thought i'd have a go of the update big drop in fps & texture pop is very bad ran around for 10 mins broke leg at the end of stairs ? then got no message from server.