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Posts posted by mattckd

  1. I have also witnessed this at said time and date from OP, the players name was troy from the [sSG] clan. we shot him multiple times with a fn fal which would of killed him twice over but failed to do so, we also rained fire down with helicopters. we called him out on side chat, however the server admin who also was from [sSG] clan told us to stop using side chat and said he had "an eye on troy and us" he proceeded to then kick one of our group and then not soon after that the server was restarted. the server also claimed it checks all logs and bans all hackers. which in my opinion is a load of rubbish.

    I'm not sure if there is anything anyone can do regarding this complaint, but i would appreciate any sort of action that can be taken on said server.

    these servers are what make Dayz look bad and should be routed out as soon as possible.

    • Like 1

  2. i am also having this problem, i just loaded up arma 2 CO with dayz and am experiencing like 2-6 frames per second on main menu ,normally would be around 40fps. only way to fix it is to restart my pc and load up game again. I used to get it during dayz 1.7.2 game and would be forced to abort and restart pc to fix now i only get it for a couple of seconds during game or as soon as i boot game up in which case i just restart computer and it fixes it but not the micro lag every now and then in percentage of game time when it occurs i would say around 25% - 30%, however it still annoys me when it happens and i would like to find the cause of it.

    My game is steam version however i dont use steam to launch i use spirited machine launcher and manage my addons before launching game. i know it either has to be my game settings or something included in dayz that is causing it.

    my specs:

    amd 1055T 2.8ghz/3.2ghz turbo core

    16gb ddr3 1600mhz

    game/media hdd 1TB

    main os hdd 750GB

    asus Nvidia 560ti 1gb

    many thanks for any info

  3. The wire fence and tank trap thing is ridiculous and has ruined gameplay for me, i cant even look at Chernogorsk military tents because it just fills my screen with graphic glitches black and grey/white triangles and odd shapes, i might aswell just turn my monitor off and run around blind.

    it makes the game pointless because just about every important loot area e.g. Elektrozavodsk firestation, militray barracks, balota etc is just impossible to navigate with the problems that we are all experiencing from these place-able objects.

  4. I've been thinking this for a long time, what if there were radios you can find in the game, and then use to communicate to other people who also have the radios, the radios could interface with a server running something like this or similar http://www.hamsphere.com/, I don't know whether i'm aloud to link this but i'm using this as an example of something already existing that could be used to make this possible. The user would then be able to define a hotkey to be used for the radio when the radio is aqquired.

    I'm not sure what else to add but i think you get the idea.

    • Like 2

  5. i have been thinking about this for a while and i think it will make the crash site loot more varied maybe more loot at c130 crash site as opposed to the little amount of loot at helicopter ones. maybe within every hour or 2 hours at random a damaged c130 will fly over the map and just crash at a random location then loot and zombies will appear at the crash site. maybe even parachute ammo crates or boxes of random medical stuff and ammo crates before it crashes.

    what do you guys think?

  6. No.

    Here's why - given both the lore of zombie and the environment of this particular video game' date=' it simply does not fit in. Imagine, constantly being Tranqed, then looted for everything you have, AND unable to play the game for (x) amount of time. I just don't like that. Also, a tranq would most likely be a 1-shot-kill sort of gig; basically, someone shoots you one single time with it, then raids you for everything you have. I would imagine with it being silent as well nobody would even know it happened.

    I just don't think it's a good idea. It is a good suggestion, but not a good one to implement in this type of a game. I would like to hear other people's opinions on it, though. Because even when I try to theorycraft possible "good" and "productive" uses for it, I get nothing.



    thanks for you input i do understand what you are saying so maybe rocket or other members of this forum may have a better solution on how to implement it. I too would be frustrated if it happened to me in game. anyway its just a suggestion lets see what happens :D

  7. The idea that i am going to suggest is tranquilizer rounds that players can fire at zombies or survivors, the rounds in question will make the target fall unconscious for roughly a minute or two, in that time the play can disconnect but his body and his loot will still be there abit like the disconnect 5 second delay but longer, in that time if you are quick you can loot the unlucky player.

    I have no idea whether said tranquilizer rounds will be rare or not that will be up to the day community and most importantly rocket to decide.
