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Everything posted by wynarator

  1. wynarator

    The dangerous [Reverse Bandit!] US195

    Made me lulz
  2. What will happen if I logout while on boat? To prevent smartassery: what will happen when I login after loging out while on boat :cool:
  3. I joined a server and this happened out of nowhere, just spawned like that (attachment).
  4. wynarator


    Dude. Read the forums first before making 10000th post about not having a weapon while spawning. This game is meant to make you cry. You are doing it right.
  5. wynarator

    Too hard

  6. wynarator


  7. Change position, circle around village - you will be able to see all enterable buildings. Some tips: You wont be able to enter this house: but you will be able to go into this: Difference? The second one doesn't have shutters! This two are source of good loot: Cool already? :)
  8. Learn how you can recognize which buildings can be entered - use your binoculars. If you can see through the glass - yeah, go for it. Scout the village before entering, plan your path, use your brain.
  9. wynarator

    Passed out after joining a server?

    ...and die with slowly, lonely death, then haul my ass as fast as I can from the coast to the north side of the map without compass or map with hope in my heart that my body didnt disappeared? Sounds great! :D
  10. wynarator

    Passed out after joining a server?

    Any way to fix that?
  11. wynarator

    Passed out after joining a server?

    Nope, wasnt suffering from shock, last time I was in game I've been kicked due ping while calmly walking in the woods, I joined another server an hour later and I was like WTFFF.
  12. wynarator

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I was ALWAYS having around 40, on like 5% of servers it was below. Now on 95% im 10fps. Cant see myself fighting with Zeds with crowbar on 5fps stutter.
  13. wynarator Low FPS Issue

    Everybody is having this problem.
  14. wynarator

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    What with huge FPS impact? :|
  15. wynarator

    Wilderness - Do you know?

    Do you think server restart warning is there just for lulz? I always disconnect when see a warning and in server list until it gets up - never had such problem.
  16. wynarator


    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php click the link on the TOP (on the green bar), then install. It will require to launch ArmA from DIFFERENT shortcut to run beta-patch, so you will have to modify it aswell. GL
  17. wynarator


    Didn't answered with points, not reading it :P
  18. wynarator


    1. Do you have ArmA BETA-PATCH 93825? 2. Do you have ALL files of DayZ mod in /ArmA2/@DayZ/addons? 3. Are you using the right shortcut to open game with Beta? You can check in the bottom right corner of the screen in main menu. 4. Is the shortcut modfied to run DayZ? On the right side of menu you should see @DayZ, beta and Expansion listed. 5. Do you hardware meet recommended specs? 6. Do you have an original copy of ArmA2 and ArmA2 OA? 7. Try updating your battleeye.
  19. wynarator

    Low fps

    @CORMAC, maybe you didn't noticed but I was having 40 FPS BEFORE 1.7.1, SO MY HARDWARE IS COOL MATE. Thanks for trying :P
  20. wynarator

    Low Framerate on

    It's same for me. For right now I'm NOT playing DayZ and patiently wait for a new hotfix, so here's my question: can I starve to death while offline? If yes, how long will it take? I hope I wont before new update :roll:
  21. I think that flashlight SHOULDN't take any weapon slot. Come on, we can have a hachet and hunting knife in two misc slots, and flashlight takes 4 slots? Not worth picking up. ANYHOE, current flashlight is carried like this: How about this totally unrealistic approach? or even SUPER RARE chest/shoulder flashlight, which allow you to carry your primary weapon and still use flashlight? I really like playing during night, when flashlight ripps the darkness, but it's no-go for me when I need to holster my weapon to use it. I think the Devs are aware of this ridiculous situation, but maybe it's too hard to code into game? On the other side, looking at ACE - "impossible is nothing" ;)
  22. wynarator

    Low fps

    I was easily flying through game with high settings (720p) and 40fps without a drop (well, except cherno, that's killing me). Since 1.7.1 im having like 5 (!!!) to 30 fps, anyone else? And some servers are like locked at 7 fps, im standing in one spot, login - fps sux, 5-7. I log to next server and its 20. Dang, cant play it right now.