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Everything posted by wynarator

  1. wynarator

    Huge FPS issue

    Since 1.7.1 Im having problems with FPS on a lot of servers Current installed version: /93825 Server(s) you were on: Few DE servers, few FR, PL2, like: A LOT. Your system specs: ASUS G53SW, i7 2,9GhZ, GTX460M, 4GB DDR3 Timeline of events before/after error: When I log in my FPS wont go above 7. Game is unplayable on a lot of servers, get used to 40fps on high settings.
  2. Give us textures from PMC for free :angel: I think that would be really nice bonus for the community, as people who are not interested in playing PMC0 won't buy it just for model textures (even though they're annoying as they are). Rocket, have you ever talked with BiS studio about adding model textures from PMC? I would see that as "yeah, community, you are awesome, we appreciate your love to ArmA, take those textures as a gift" ;) BiS is always a bit opposite to other studios policy (ie they actively support modding, talk with community etc.), so I really think this might happen. Cheers!
  3. wynarator

    Rocket, Bohemia, hear me out!

    @Bricked, we use those models only because ARMA2 and OA models are broken (dont support backpacks well). I feel like I've already supported BiS with buying ArmA2 and OA on realese, ofcourse I'd LOVE to spend few more euros on those models, but paying like 20$ is too much as I am NOT interested in PMC nor in BAF. Just those models for DayZ players for 5$? Sure! Just give me opportunity to buy it -_-
  4. wynarator

    Vehicle Spawns thread

    Two ladas near tents in Stary Sobor, no wheels though :(
  5. AgentAwesome thats for you. I was heading to Berezino, really low on winchester ammunition, an then I spotted this guy. He had a winchester on his back, so I thought maybe I can trade something. I've found my way behind him, sneaked upon him and was like "hey, mate". He stopped, noticed me and started to head my direction. I told him not to approach me. He was like "ok, ok, don't kill me bro, im friendly" and sounded kinda scared as I was. Then we had a little chat, he told me he's going to Rog castle, don't have any winch ammo and he's thirsty. I gave him a drink and wanted nothing in return. I was trying to say that I found an ALICE pack nearby that was gliched for me, but maybe he can go there and pick it up. He said im breaking up (which happens often to me as my ISP is shit) and ask me to type. When I started to type he unloaded full makarov mag into my head. I lost TENT (yeah), map, matchbox, knife etc. but the moment my body fell to the ground I was laughing out loud. I really thought he's a nice guy :D It's not that depressing, but from now on I'll kill everyone who MIGHT shoot me.
  6. wynarator

    Reward Explorers!

    Some of us like to hike in the woods, go to totally abandoned places, walk slow-pace for 30 minutes while enjoying the sunny day, the others stick to the coast ("CUZ U CAN FIND ANYTHING U NEED IN CHERNO MAN") and run around elektro with guns blazing. There should be something that rewards/ecourages exploring. What? There are lot interesting places that take time and effort to get to, but gives no reward. FEW simple examples: barn at pobeda dam, barn north of Skalka, Skalisty Island (dont want to giveaway awesome places, discover them by yourself). There should be a little bit sweeter loot there, something rare, that will make you hapy that you took your time to discover the map and so on. It's very disappointing to find only tin cans in a place that looked like "THIS IS IT".
  7. wynarator

    Reward Explorers!

    @Marshy, which would add even more drama! First thing when I spawn I go to balota, because I'm poory equipped and it's close, so I don't care if I die. But if you will go all the way up to i.e. Pobeda Dam you'll get some nice equipement on the way and it will take a lot of time to get ther, so it will give some extra tension when you'll be approaching place that should be abandoned, but you don't really know for sure, and the reward's tempting. Right now there are only two rewarding places: Balota and NWA, which are big, populated and boring places to be.
  8. wynarator

    Das boot - I mean teh boat

    Actually I already abandoned that boat (its speed was like 14 at max), but when I'll find better I might want to stick with it ;) I think irl it would be the best idea to spend nights(logouts) on boat, and scavange land at day, so I would like to try that in DayZ. The other sad thing is that you cant walk on the deck, use binocs etc., thats making me cry to my pillow.
  9. YES DONT make it work from 2m, maybe it should depend on time spent watching someone (even through binoculars)?
  10. wynarator

    DayZ Memes

  11. wynarator

    IF this was an actual game...

    Purchase Community developed Studio servers Kickstarter
  12. wynarator

    How do I make a fire?

    I tried two times and it only said "You have created a fireplace" and that was it - no fire, no nothing, just lost my woodpile
  13. CHAPTER I I was out in the wild for days. I took out from the coast and headed North, passed Pusta, staroye, went all the way up for Kranostav. On my way i geared up, fancy backpack, M9, AKM, commando stuff etc. I carefully avoided all towns, just took a peak at the fartest house to get my favourite beans, zombies were too terryfing. So after a few days of wandering in forests in search of q single abandoned houses I decided to pay a visit to NW airfield. I creeped all the way to tower, passing right next to ex-soldiers, dead cops just to notice some bandid made it his home - he was on guard, with scoped rifle on his shoulder, scanning area with binocs for his next victim. I left dissapointed, and in lopatino headed south. The party began when I hit Myshkino. As usually I carefully approached the treeline to scan for easy loot when I suddenly spotted crouched figure slipping past the trees about half klick from me. It was first person I saw in a days so I watched him fascinated. Is he friend or a foe? What is he doing? Where is he going? From where? All those questions were flowing through my head as I stalked him using my binocs. He was acting reasonably, keeping his pace slow, avoiding Zeds with gun lowered - a pro. "Ah, the hell" I said to myself and made contact. "Hey, I see you, dont move" - I yelled. The figure froze. "I have my gun lowered, dont shoot. Im friendly" - he yelled back. And that was it - no fireworks, no rainbows n shit, we were just standing there observing each other, too affraid to move closer. After few tense minutes and few more words we finally met up and planned a our path. He's name was Dam. I let him lead the way (ha, no one wants a knife in his back, right?) and we lifted of to a mall in Zelenogorsk. Honestly, I was paying more attention to his gun direction than to Zeds around us, but we made it to the market without any troubles. Ah, heaven, my fav' beans were all over the place! We slowly started to fill our backpacks, crawling on the floor as undead were walking by the windows. Suddenly one of them (lets call him Mr Zeddy) turned in our direction and walked into the store as he was there just to grab some snacks. In hurry we crawled our way to a backroom. My friend pulled out the map and I started to please my eyes with the content of my backpack. Out of nowhere Mr Zeddy was 2 m away, standing in the doors leading to shop. We froze in a second. He grunted, sniffed the air and moaned louder. Oh, I could tell he was angry! After his first step towards us a Winchester bullet ripped his chest and he fell to the ground. Now they were onto us. Moaning and screaming was all around us, the room filled with footsteps and grunting. We're screwed. Without thinking we opened backdoor and made a run for it. Two bullets from my AK-47 got two of them, but quick look was enough to understand that we dont have a chance. I grabbed my smoke grenade and throw it into huge wave of undead behind us. Green smoke filled the air and I almost felt reliefed, but then more of them made it to the party, just more and more coming, revealing from the smoke. I fired two more shots just to slow them down and started sprinting. Not a single thought in my mind was about my new friend, just run, run, run, run. For the last time I looked back and the view was terrifying: undead were on my tail. A LOT of them. I kept running. TO BE CONTINUED IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READ THE WHOLE THING (and liked it) ;) Sorry for my not-so-good English. http://i.imgur.com/8W2rs.jpg
  14. wynarator

    Zombies running to fast!

    Hi guys, I totally agree with annoyance of zigzagy-strafing thingy. I don't think that the Zeds are like "Oh, indeed, he might use his firearms against me, so for my own safety I will zigzag all the way until I'll soak my teeth in his throat". Thats the most annoying thing atm (not counting connection problems, that's diff story), especially for players who run DayZ with 30-40 fps and 150 ping.