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Everything posted by milkeyuk

  1. Cool idea, small priority. Compared to other issues in the game.
  2. milkeyuk

    The most detailed Prison topic yet

    Well I would say a generator - which can easily be refueled by fuel. I do like the prison idea, but I'm pretty sure its been confirmed anyway. I'm still very 50/50 because it sounds very walking dead.
  3. milkeyuk

    A few SA ideas [Please take a look!]

    I don't really like the colours for loot, reminds me too much of games such as wow etc..
  4. Currently I'm loving this server. So thanks guys - The only downside I've come across so far is that it's always day.. it would be nice if it turned to night just because it adds to the fun. but that might just be me
  5. milkeyuk

    Character's appearance changes

    For one, you never shave a beard in a zombie apocalypse... it's the root of all your killing power.
  6. Do players start with a map or not? I imagine PVP is ok aswell? Everything you have posted so far makes me really want to join this server regular.
  7. milkeyuk

    More use for tents

    I think it would be good giving tents a better use. I know they are used for storing items etc. But what if you made it so if you could safety log out being near the tent/campsite. For instance: - If you log out without a tent there is 60 seconds where you are prone to get attacked by humans/zombies etc.. So if you log out in the wood without a tent you should generally be ok, however if you do it in the middle of a city.. you've got a big chance of being attacked by players/zombies while you wait to be logged out -If you put up a tent and log out near it you will log out straight away and safe. So you can't get attacked by humans or AI. Also adds a bit of urgency to find a tent. I haven't gone into loads of detail because it literally just popped up in my head. I hope this makes sense and let me know what you think/expand & discuss. (or just hate on it B))
  8. milkeyuk

    More use for tents

    You could easily add a function to allow players to destroy tents (maybe destroying them with fire?) Either way to stop players from doing this and making them want to use the tent outside the citys and using them as a safezone.. etc.. To be honest you can steal things from tents.
  9. milkeyuk

    DLC: suggestions

    No sorry.. however I'm sure there will be mods of the standalone..
  10. milkeyuk

    Hero and bandit leveling.

    I don't really like the hero/bandit stuff anyway. If you kill people you kill people, if you don't you don't. Team up with who you want and survive.
  11. Sorry early morning woes. I meant to say do you need to get whitelisted. But I re-read everything and I'm guessing you don't. I will check this out tonight :D
  12. Awesome thanks for the reply. Last question I don't mind if you start with a map or you have to find one. But does it work correctly. I.E. Does it show your location? I've been on one recently where I finally found a map and my map marker wasn't on screen but it was covered with markers that drew stupid images. (I'm pretty sure it'll be a normal map but I want to make sure)
  13. milkeyuk


    Trains in game would be awesome. But they shouldn't be auto. Find the parts/fuel to fix them. Makes it more interesting.
  14. Well it is a zombie infected world and although I hate to admit it there are people in this world who would do that. Plus the game is a fantasy and if people want to be a cannibal, then so be it. It'd give me a type of character to hunt at least!
  15. I also looked at your website.. Does this mean human players can join the factions aswell?
  16. Basically I was on a server recently and just playing like normal. I came across a tent that was full of weapons, food etc.. It wasn't well hidden, it was behind a factory on the outskirts of elektro. I took everything I could and started to get out of there... Next minute, I fly up into the air, drop and I'm dead. Has anyone ever had anything like this?
  17. Why would you ask? isn't that part of the game. If anything if you have cool stuff.. hide it better :P This makes alot of sense, I was on the docks. Damn it. If only I'd known about this issue! Anyway thanks guys , you've been a lot of help.
  18. milkeyuk

    Sticky notes, infected animals and more!

    I like the infected animals, if it's done right. Definitatly have infected dogs!
  19. milkeyuk

    DayZ - My First Day.

    After reading so much about this game I gave it a shot, it's got me hooked and I thought I'd share my first day on the game. Started my first ever character and spawned on the beach. After looking around the area for abit I followed the road... north or south... who knows? When in the distance I saw something moving quite fast and going from side to side. "Can't be a zombie?" After watching various videos on DayZ I went into survivor mode and went prone into a bush, and watched the character slowly head towards me. (no way was I getting killed in my first 5minutes of ever playing the game) I stayed there for a few minutes and while I wasn't paying attention.. he vanished. I started thinking shit what if hes behind me, what if hes seen me? What should I do? I got up out of the bush and without even realising.. he was right infront of me. We both stopped, I didn't have any weapons, he didn't have any weapons. We stopped, slowly circled each other and continued the way we were going. I reached the first village (is what I'd called it) and I started going from house to house, finding what I could. Eventually after evading many zombies I came across a pistol and a rifle. After a few encounters with zombies which were delt with by my axe I moved on. Eventually I reached a bigger city and this is when I realised maybe I wasn't alone anymore. More zombies, guns shots firing. I had no map, no idea where I was, thankfully it was around 12pm server time so plenty of light. I managed to come across a building that was quite big and lots of rooms, so I started looking through the first floor. After a while I reached the second floor I heard alot of zombies making noise so I looked out the front window into the street to see a string of zombies running around the building... I was pretty sure I hadn't made a noise up to this point so I was confused. Down the end of the corridor I noticed there was a roof I could stand on so I went out and looked where zombies where heading. There was another player running for his life towards a food store. He stopped just inside the entrance and started axing the zombies. With my pistol I went into ADS & left my crosshair over the player. Should I kill him? Should I not? Paranoia took over and rather than helping I took a shot, after the second shot I got excited and walked over the edge... landed and broke my legs. I was knocked out in the middle of the road. Seeing the guy fight for his life (i hadn't killed him) As I came too I couldn't walk properly and zombies were coming in. I foolishly used my springfield and went back into the building I'd fallen from. Zombies were getting drawn to me, the shots were too loud. Realising what was happening I pulled out my pistol and started taking out the zombies that were coming from every enterance in the building. After fighting with the zombies which lasted a while I decided to go to the food store. No sign of the guy. I kept checking all the items on the floor and there was food, ammos, bandage & water. Everything I needed! After 5minutes of checking everything I moved into the back room, what did I see on the floor? A dead player, the guy who I'd shot.. which I assumed the zombies got him or I made him bleed out. I looted all the gear I could from him and walked outside. BANG. I was dead. Sniper had got me and possibly him. I may have got killed but it got me hooked, this is one of the greatest/realistic survival games I've ever played and I can't wait to see how it evolves and progresses. Sorry for the story being so long, I just thought I'd share :) Now I just need to find a good server with no hackers!
  20. milkeyuk

    DayZ - My First Day.

    He did have a gun, he was just using the axe to kill the zombies without making any noise!
  21. milkeyuk

    Remove shaking from sickness/low body temp

    I'm fine with it in. Adds to the realism
  22. milkeyuk

    Introducing new: Achievement System.

    "Kill 10 players with Sniper rifle with a headshot - make IST 14.5 sniper rifle spawnable." I don't think I'd agree with that because half the fun is finding the weapons and the different drops. Well I think so anyway.
  23. Always keep people infront of you so you can watch them... unless you know they can be trusted :)