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About Dr.Phibes

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  1. Dr.Phibes


    smk taviana server named Tom teleporting and invinsible and then when we spoke out about him managed to get us kicked by remote_exec Restriction sigh cant wait for standalone..
  2. Dr.Phibes

    This Is What Happens When You Play Under The Influence

    he was 0 bandit kills too 1...
  3. lack of food or water and you loose blood
  4. Dr.Phibes

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    any idea when this is going onto sixupdater?
  5. Dr.Phibes

    updating to

    thanks for the help!
  6. Dr.Phibes

    updating to

    six updater is not updating my game (admittedly i may be using it wrong) tried downloading the files manual and replacing existing ones still at version very annoying as most decent server are now any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Dr.Phibes

    reinstall troubles

    my arma 2 is version 1.11.86734 and my steam OA is 1.60.87580 are these the versions a need???
  8. Dr.Phibes

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    ... it is highly irritating too be killed 2 mins into the game without any way too defend yourself by some cocks tho.. maybe only punish in starting areas or something similar if somebody has a shiny weapon fair enough but too get killed for starting bandage and pain killers is just stupid..
  9. Dr.Phibes

    reinstall troubles

    after having succesfuly (after a few hitches) managed to install and get Dayz working my computer decided too die and now am having trouble getting this fecker workking again :( keep getting wrong version crap i have arma 2 retail and arma oa steam, i need to get arma retail upto date but every patch i download says OA is upto date and keeps really pissing me off anybody know where too get the patches so it updates normal arma and gets that upto date so it works? thanks
  10. Dr.Phibes

    Maybe the virus was man made??

    the AI is either too good or too poor most of the time this would result in exploiting or lots of angry players big no to this from me.
  11. Dr.Phibes

    Ghillie suits and corpses

    ah shame :(, no by cunning and tactics i meant cycling in a huge loop also killed 3 other people thinking they where the sniper before spotting the gilly suited arse, sorry to those i killed i dont kill humans intentionaly most of the time :angel:
  12. how do you take ghillie suits from corpses?, some A hole tried to sniper me on my bicycle but with some cunning and tactics i managed to give him what for by shooting him in the back of the neck, but after looting his corpse of everything useful I couldn't figure out how to take his ghillie suit any help would be appreciated because i want to look like a bush. thanks!
  13. Dr.Phibes

    Debug Forest Help!

    this is happening too me too, tried updating with 6 updater and its says skipping.. also manualy updated and still persists.. i do get bad version rejected by server on most server wich is pissing me off...:@
  14. Dr.Phibes

    you where kicked

    been having this problem for a week now tried lots of fixes all to no avail there was a thread which the guy had the same problem but i cant find it now and it was a few pages back but i cant fine it now.. anyway get kicked pretty much as soon as i join a server sometimes its when i click to join a team have tried reinstalling battleeye multiple times steam OA retail A2 any help would be greatly appreciated :D
  15. Dr.Phibes

    Keep Getting Same error

    doom do you have Arma 2 installed aswell as op arrowhead this was the reason for my lack of chernarus file.