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Everything posted by socialcorpse

  1. socialcorpse

    Any Japanese players?

    Looking for someone to play with that is living in Japan. I am currently trying to learn Japanese but I have no one to practice with. I'm 27 have mic and not a noob in dayz. Hit me up here or send me a PM.
  2. socialcorpse

    Build Discussion

    Hmm lets see... A lot of complaints for the zeds speaking to each other. I dont think they are going to sit down and talk about the current events. Imo i think it is a bit unrealistic that in elektro i can get one zombie to aggro while 4 others right by me dont. I think that if one zombie aggros from the noise they make it would attract a lot if not all the zombies in the immediate area.
  3. socialcorpse

    What is the point of this game now?

    Or go download ACE2 and ACRE and do some missions on actual Arma. Seriously.... This game is a mod for a game. Play the actual game. Go build a mission from the ground up and become an internet celebrity.
  4. We have all been killed by some prick when we fresh spawn into the game. Then we find that same guy later on and kill them. This is an animation i feel that should be brought into the game and should take development priority over everything else... A pissing animation. Not only to desecrate the body of that bandit that killed you 20 times but also because my guy will drink like 50 cokes in a row and never piss. Im not a doctor or anything but that cant be healthy. It would be like the simpsons episode where the grandpa's kidneys explode from holding it. While we are on the subject of this and i know it is going to come up we do not need a pooping animation as this would be gross. Well gross unless you like scat stuff. And if thats the case hey lets be friends. Umm... Lets see... Please dont lock this thread, i am serious about this animation. Maybe after you pee on the body it leaves the stench of urine and when whoever comes back to the body their character gets all disoriented from the mixture of dehydrated urine and death rot. Thank you and have a good day.
  5. socialcorpse

    Remove Wilderness Spawn

    XOTcadde... Your use of the ermagherd made me and my wife laugh uncontrollably. For this i give you some.beans.
  6. socialcorpse

    Handcuffs, zipties and blindfolds.

    I have read none of these comments and just wanted to stop by and say i like the way you think OP.
  7. socialcorpse

    Lets get some more animations!

    Lol i thought this post would get some epic replies... But all i have gotten so far is seriousness. My efforts to be funny have failed immensely and now i will go kill myself.
  8. socialcorpse

    Better melee weapons and more.

    Well having experience with razor wire and such... A crowbar will not do anything to get rid of it. What you need are small bolt cutters or very very very strong wire cutters. Not to mention youneed these gloves that have metal pieces on the palms cause razor wire will seriously mess you up. I love the more melee weapons except for the sword. Why does everyone want a damn sword... If you want to be some viking warrior hacking and slashing then go play a chivalry or whatever it is. But i do love the sledgehammer. That would be freaking epic.
  9. socialcorpse

    Perk/Experience System

    Ughh perks..............
  10. socialcorpse

    Realistic & Fair Weapons Suggestions

    I think if you are wanting all this realism we should look at the things that are extremely unrealistic. Such as being able to fit a main rotor head in your back pack or even liftling it for that matter since it takes a small ceiling crane to lift it. Lugging two full car tires for 5000 meters. Being able to run indefinitely only stopping for food and water. The guns in the game are fine as they are and dont need to be messed with. You start going down that path and next thing you know its gonna be call of duty where every week a gun is getting nerfed or buffed. Leave the weapons alone please.
  11. I would not buy the game just for the mod. The mod is just a fraction of what arma has to offer and to buy this and neglect all the other things that you can do is just foolish. This game offers the best map editing you can get without buying some engine. All you need to know is some basic python and you can create some really awesome missions. Or you can download other people's missions and play those. DayZ is a lot of fun dont get me wrong, but buying arma just for it would be like buying a 360 just to play DVD's.
  12. socialcorpse

    We need some assholes on US46

    Klesh... How did you get the pic of my neighborhood mcdonalds man? Nah im just kidding epic pic dude made me laugh until i peed a little. Good thing im on the toilet as i am writing this.
  13. socialcorpse

    We need some assholes on US46

    Awesome video noob. Glad we were able to show people the idiots that play lol. Also sausage king... That pic is epic. Ummm lets see... Noob you playing tonight? You never came back last night T.T
  14. socialcorpse

    [Idea] Whole Country Maps!

    This is a really good idea but i have to agree with the others. Building a map the size of even a small place like rhode island would take a lot of time and a 1000 slot server would be on the extreme. Ping would have to be strictly enforced and even then you would lag like crazy. Could you imagine being in cherno with 300 other players... Lagfest.
  15. socialcorpse

    How to get better at gun fights.

    A lot of times you wont have time to figure out where he is before he puts the final shot in your head and then you wake up on the coast. The only way to defeat that is to always always always be on gaurd.
  16. socialcorpse

    What's your longest survival time?

    Lets see... I have only had one character and have never died. I have 46 tents across 10 servers. I have 200+ guns and countless med supplies and food and drinks. I have 200000 zombie kills, 6786 murders and 1569 bandit kills. I am fucking highlander and you can come at me but remember there can only be one. Nah... Im just kidding i think 20 days or so was my longest.
  17. socialcorpse

    We need some assholes on US46

    Oh man this gets way worse... When you gonna upload the others noob???? I cant wait for the world to know that i use mcdonalds wifi LOL.
  18. i am looking for one person that wants to run together. My playstyle is neutral and i will do whats needed to survive. So yeah if you are interested hit me up here. I am also 26 with mic and vent and TS3.
  19. just looking for one or two players. I am 26 witb mic and vent and TS3. My timezone is CST but i play mostly at this time or a few hours before now. Let me know if you are interested.
  20. socialcorpse

    looking for one person.

    Sent you a friend request
  21. socialcorpse

    looking for one person.

    My timezone is CST but i play at this time and on. Sometimes i might be on during the day. Majority though is this time.