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About gbrabsf

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  1. Duping always existed. The difference is that there are way too many players now, and some of them don't care about hiding their duped stuff.
  2. gbrabsf

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    So you guys really think that we never had hackers? It was even easier back then, where battleye had no idea someone would try to hack the game. Get it: there will ALWAYS be something to complain about. Who the fuck cares if someone has an AS50? Or an M107? Or fucking 17 NV googles? Peaked night servers have about 15 players. There was and will always be someone sniping at cherno/elektro. Enough complaining already... the only thing that should really bother anyone are the hackers that kill everyone on the server. Even though I still find it quite funny...
  3. gbrabsf

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    So you guys really think that we never had hackers? It was even easier back then, where battleye had no idea someone would try to hack the game. Get it: there will ALWAYS be something to complain about. Who the fuck cares if someone has an AS50? Or an M107? Or fucking 17 NV googles? Peaked night servers have about 15 players. There was and will always be someone sniping at cherno/elektro. Enough complaining already... the only thing that should really bother anyone are the hackers that kill everyone on the server. Even though I still find it quite funny...
  4. Why do you guys always find something to complain about? First it was about the bandit skins, now about the god damn weapons... what's next? Hell, a shot to your hand wouldn't kill you. But you wouldn't fix it with bandages. You can't fix broken bones with morphine either. Are you trying to say that carrying 30lbs would be difficult? And that it wouldn't fit in my backpack? Maybe it wouldn't fit perfectly, but who the fuck cares? I'd still be able to put it inside. You just got shot and then got mad about it, deal with it. The fault was yours.
  5. This is one one of the most stupid threads I've ever seen, to be honest. What's up with the utterly retarded argument of these weapons being "illegal"? So you guys really think dayz is set on a world filled with white knights? It's a god damn zombie apocalypse, and people could care less about morality. Both the AS50 and the M107 weigh aproximately 12kg. It's perfectly realistic to carry it around on your backpack (the coyote and alice backpack are huge) or even on your hand. Why the hell should it take the backpack slot? And even worse, secondary weapon slot? Is this some kind of comedy show or something? Geez. Is it unrealistic that a person would carry a 12kg weapon around having a dissassembled weapon at their backpack with some ammo and also carrying pistol at their holster? REALLY? I agree it is meant to fire from prone position. ARMA is very kind only making the AS50 and M107 one-shot-kills. No one would survive an SVD or M24 shot either, but still, you can survive if it's not a headshot. You guys have no idea how difficult it is to snipe. If you got your ass shot, you either suck or you were not paying attention. Not to talk about those retarded servers with ridiculous view distances (like 500m or so). Wanna talk about snipers, eh? Fine, do it when we snipers are able to see at a realistic distance first. Playing with sniper rifles is a playstyle Some people like to run around with a shotgun or an automatic rifle. We like to snipe. And if a .50 caliber sniper rifle can't 1 shot kill, I can't see why any other gun would. Why don't you guys ask rocket to replace every gun with paintball weapons? Then everyone would have fun and nobody would die :D:D:D:D: xD
  6. gbrabsf

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    It's not updated on http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html, you might wanna check that
  7. dayz logic kill someone: you're a douchebag don't kill anyone: you're a douchebag
  8. shh no tears only dreams now lol'ing hard at you guys criticizing snipers. If it's so easy why don't you guys just do it? Oh hey, I forgot, all you got is an akm with a few mags. Why so mad at people with nice gear? Just because we have nice weapons doesn't means we server hop. I'm alive for 8 days and I worked really really hard for everything I've got right now.
  9. gbrabsf

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    Because it's nice to be able to follow up with a shot when you eventually miss? M24 is just as accurate and has zeroing. And why the hell would you miss?
  10. gbrabsf

    Dear bandit...

    what a great sniper, "hiding" on a building rooftop
  11. gbrabsf

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    Everybody mentions the DMR function of being usable with NV googles, but think for a second... Most servers at night are rarely full (~20 people). Why would you ever need a DMR? If you like to snipe, you'll have to find a server that's full of people. That means it's gonna be daytime. Not to mention that it doesn't has zeroing. Also, I consider the SVD way better than the DMR. It's a one-shot-kill and has a built-in range finder. It's range is also higher (1000m) and the scope is just alright. I killed a guy 950m away from me and had no problems with it, could see him just fine. Honestly, if you have to zoom a lot, you're just unskilled.
  12. gbrabsf

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    Thanks for the guide. The AS50 is better than the M107 because of it's accuracy and range, but anyways... It's not so hard to hit a running target. See, the bullets on Day Z travel at 800m/s, so if the target is at 800m away from you, make your own calculations and adjust your sights. Really, it's not that hard! Also, the SVD magnification sucks, I agree. But I've just killed a guy 900m away from me and it's quite simple, you just have to get used to it... it you really want to use the SVD, make sure you have a lot of ammo, lol. (or just learn how to use it at single player)