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Everything posted by NozRee

  1. NozRee

    My rig and major cities

    dont worry everyone has that. ( most of the time ) its the engine that is bad coded.
  2. NozRee

    a SIMPLE guide to getting the most FPS

    doesnt the visibility work in dayz mod?
  3. i heard a few people saying only 100- 150 people will be selected. in the coming 3 - 4 weeks ( before june i suppose or after , idk ) is this true? Heard this from frankie and few other people.
  4. so the public alpha will have limited acces? edit : sorry for double post >.>
  5. so the public alpha will have limited acces?
  6. Yeah.i kinda laughed my ass of with the eight and six cores of AMD. :lol:
  7. if youre not editing stuff and only gonna game and stuff get the i5. no need to spend 100$ more for something that gaines the same performance in most of games. ( not talking about arma 3 ) + HyperThreading is crap anyways in games.
  8. my makarov sometimes turns into a golden revolver.
  9. Ohno! Always day time servers. /facepalm
  10. ArmA engine -> no consoles haha.
  11. NozRee

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    Seeing from the leaked footage it seems like arma 3 engine modified. Whatever the SA will be epic anyway, i really dont care what they use for it.
  12. crash it on the firestation.
  13. same as you said. DayZ is too damn epic! so will the SA :D cant wait.
  14. The low CPU/GPU usage is left over from the engine they're using. I doubt it will ever be much better.off topic Just because the game is in alpha doesn't mean they are going to fix issues that have been with the engine for years.
  15. if you put everything on low most things will pressure the cpu wich isnt a great thing.
  16. if thats REALY the case the admins should cancel the server and uninstall. :lol:
  17. NozRee

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Sources. Dayz may slip to 2013 :( http://www.escapistm...ay-Slip-to-2013 http://www.videogame...ip_to_2013.html http://press2reset.c...d-slip-to-2013/ /Sadface Here is the place to post about SA. Bb
  18. thats not high end. Change cpu to i5 3570K.
  19. NozRee

    7.62 Rounds, 1 Shot Kill Under?....

    Aren't those AKM rounds? if so its 1shot 1 kill to zombies.