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About NozRee

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. NozRee

    My rig and major cities

    dont worry everyone has that. ( most of the time ) its the engine that is bad coded.
  2. NozRee

    a SIMPLE guide to getting the most FPS

    doesnt the visibility work in dayz mod?
  3. so the public alpha will have limited acces? edit : sorry for double post >.>
  4. so the public alpha will have limited acces?
  5. i heard a few people saying only 100- 150 people will be selected. in the coming 3 - 4 weeks ( before june i suppose or after , idk ) is this true? Heard this from frankie and few other people.
  6. Yeah.i kinda laughed my ass of with the eight and six cores of AMD. :lol:
  7. if youre not editing stuff and only gonna game and stuff get the i5. no need to spend 100$ more for something that gaines the same performance in most of games. ( not talking about arma 3 ) + HyperThreading is crap anyways in games.
  8. my makarov sometimes turns into a golden revolver.
  9. Ohno! Always day time servers. /facepalm
  10. ArmA engine -> no consoles haha.
  11. NozRee

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    Seeing from the leaked footage it seems like arma 3 engine modified. Whatever the SA will be epic anyway, i really dont care what they use for it.
  12. crash it on the firestation.