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Everything posted by whitewolffin

  1. Hey all. We opened once again DayZ Epoch server. We run it as Panthera map with some scripts like tow/lift|SnapBuild|AI|Missions and more. This is pretty new server less then month old and we are trying to get more active players there. Cos this server is so new we will revard every active players as small amount of base building supplies. And if you have some ideas to make server better we will listen you and try to find good solution what is good to everyone. Hope to see you in Panthera soon. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  2. whitewolffin

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I think all says in stable here becouse this is stable topic...
  3. whitewolffin

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Same here few minutes in game and disconnect
  4. No update with todays maintenance, however - Our programming team has narrowed down the fix on the blocking bug. Hicks in twitter
  5. Everyone needs to go play Tetris... That game is ready.
  6. From Gameservers.com
  7. Have you contact to your server provider?
  8. Same here but i hope not
  9. What provider has these problems? if you could tell us that.
  10. whitewolffin

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    But in Gameservers i didnt notice any options like that. so i think they just need to update their control panel.
  11. whitewolffin

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I also wait that gameservers opens my server...
  12. whitewolffin

    crafting in patch 1.8

    I have materials for for crafting. I set all needed items in list click Craft and nothing happends..Any ideas?
  13. Hello everyone. We (NR Gaming) Have been opened TS3 server to DayZ use. Its free to use everyone there is diffrent channels (Public) But if you or your group want to have private channel that can be set up to you. Here is server address: ts.noremorseclan.com:9988 Feel free to join server.
  14. whitewolffin

    NR Gaming provide TS3 free to use

    We still have lots of slots empty in our dayz TS server. Join now ;)
  15. Hey. We decide to set Fallujah map in one of our server. And it seems to be really popular. So we wish that even more players join there. Server Ip Multible vehicles in server also startup gear + alice pack Admins monitor server 24/7 WhiteWolf (NR Gaming leader)
  16. Moustly PvP on this map/server. We have been really fun fighting others in there. So join and have a good time
  17. whitewolffin

    NR Gaming provide TS3 free to use

    Okey that TS server address has change to ts.noremorseclan.com:9988 or you can also use address: Just poke server admin and he will set you own private channel if you want. And remember its totaly free to use.
  18. whitewolffin

    Duplicate entry '151424' for key 'PRIMARY'

    Yeah that sucks. I have currently same problem and also send some message to support. So lets hope that our servers will be online soon .
  19. whitewolffin

    Looking for partner [FIN] [SUOMI]

    Tervehdys.Meillä (NR Gaming) olis oma servu ja loisto porukka kaikki suomalaisia.Ja meillä myös oma TS3 serveri. Steamistä löytyy nimella WolfWhiteFin tai sitten e-mail: [email protected] Tai jopa myös TS3 osoite joka on siis: ts.noremorseclan.com:9990
  20. Okey so i have been just opened server via Vilayer. Can i put PW to my server or not? And what if not why are there still many PW locked servers? Thank you for your help.
  21. whitewolffin

    Could i have clear answer

    It seem that i have public cos when ill go other server and after that join back to my own i have all gear all the time so PW is not allowed to my server. Well now i can only hope that there comes mature players who reads admin messages. Still thank you very much AADiC you have helped me alot
  22. whitewolffin

    Could i have clear answer

    Okey..So can you please tell me what is private hive and what is not? Sorry if i ask stupid questions but i dont want my server to go BlackList