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Everything posted by TitsMcghehey

  1. TitsMcghehey

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I really hate the reticle on the AK in the new devblog. Looks way too "arcady" and out of place, reminds me of games like dead island. Not something I want to see in a zombie apocalypse simulator but I'm sure its just a place holder. I'm still a bit worried though that some of the new changes will turn out to be a bit on the "gamey" side, even a simple drag and drop inventory menu, as convenient as it may be, would take me out of the game. It just doesn't fit the simulation formula this game is built on. Please be careful with such things.
  2. TitsMcghehey

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    A dream game is the making people. I've been suggesting to remove the starting weapon since I started playing 1 month ago. I still can't believe it, finally, FUCKING FINALLY is there zombie-apocalypse simulator that understands the genre, after so many fucking years. After so many disappointments and teases ala dead island etc, finally. Thanks rocket for standing by your words.
  3. TitsMcghehey

    How do I go into 3rd person view?

    Tutorials/Boot camp of Arma 2 or OA. You'll learn all the basics there. It's really a must for new players.
  4. TitsMcghehey

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Number 2 looks simple and clean. Not to much clutter.
  5. TitsMcghehey

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    This is a serious problem that could potentially ruin the mod and demotivate players in the long run. I've heard of people killing up to 50 players in a single server, just guarding a city and shooting on sight, even when victims don't have any gear on them. You can't tell me that you would shoot a survivor in real life. In real life you would have to actually deal with psychological consequences of taking another human begins life. You would also be able to judge a person based on body language, appearance etc. I'm all for as much realism as possible but we should not forget that this is a video game medium. Some things just don't work as planned and rules are necessary to maintain the thin line between extreme realism and video game. I don't have any solutions for this problem, but killing people just for the fun of it must stop or this once promising looking idea will degrade into an anarchy free for all that is most importantly unrealistic.