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About flether

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. flether

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    That brings two more questions (sorry, but as stated, I've played this for about 3 days now xD): 1: How do you sit/put your weapon away? 2: Eh. I don't remember anymore. But suffice it to say learning this game the hard way is... Hard =p
  2. flether

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    Many thanks to Trizzo, some good tips there, and I hadn't really considered how hostile my approach sounded =p I do tend to stalk the person a bit, and I generally call out their location when asking friendly. So far I've never found someone without them having fired first, which makes finding them pretty easy. Just follow the zeds =p I simply want to call a seize -fire, and sometimes ask for a transfusion. The question is tho... How do you get someone to trust you to help with infusion? I've spent quite alot of time just raiding all the food I can find for the sake of blood instead of getting a nice supply saved up, which isn't really optimal imo. Tips?
  3. Honestly, so far this has had no effect. I call out "Friendly, hold fire. Respond or I will fire on sight". So far this has only resulted in a firefight if they've seen me, or me having to sneak around until I can ambush the other person and take them out since they completely ignore me. I'm not trying to be a bandit, I'm just playing safe and trying to do so by NOT having to shoot people on my 3rd day of the game... What's your experience?
  4. Hey, I'm pretty new to the DayZ scene, and many a time I've run into bandits who I've been forced to kill in self-defence when I'm simply trying to get some supplies to move on with. My question is this: If someone you couldn't see were to ask in chat if he could trade information of some loot for some medical supplies/water/food (and I don't mean loot like crap, I mean parts for a heli, ammo for assault-rifles/machine-gun/sniper rifles), would you be willing to do this and NOT kill the person afterwords?