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About shamefuldirty

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  1. shamefuldirty

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I should hope it doesn't dissapoint us all at first. He has had the already established Day Mod to go off.
  2. It's a good server actually. They crack down on hackers very well.
  3. shamefuldirty

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Well, hope it all goes well for December anyway. Very much looking forward to seeing how it runs on my computer. Hope it does!
  4. shamefuldirty

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    all true, but he could post that on his blog couldn't he? Instead of 4 weeks of nothing. It's where you go to see concise up to date info on the game. Even what you quoted has not been posted. Would be nice to post "something".
  5. shamefuldirty

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    The Blog has been rather quiet as well. Shame really. Unless I'm mistaken, the last blog was 4 weeks ago. Nothing to update us about at all in that time? Even an update saying your working on boring coding would be good. Update that blog Rocket!
  6. shamefuldirty

    Looking for a group

    I too am looking for groups to play with! I have a ts3 server as well to use and I believe I have an old skype account someplace.
  7. shamefuldirty

    Namalsk Night Time

    Go North to the city (name escapes me) get matches from buildings etc, or I find they spawn in the shop at the old hospital too, get an axe too. Chop down trees etc and stay warm that way. Easier said then done, but it's what I always do when I fresh spawn into Namalsk.
  8. shamefuldirty

    Build Rolling Update

    L85 I do not care about. There's enough of them in circulation anyway. Street lights, I can see an issue for not having them on as well. Wouldn't mind a bit more lighting in cities at night mind you. If you want it dark, go out into the countryside where it is very dark anyway. I dunno, maybe some more burning barrels scattered across the cites and towns to brighten it up? I must say that on real life, I never find it as dark as it is on this game at times. Your eyes adjust quite well after a while. Especially on a starry night and if the moon is out. Heck for more realism, have the moon go through it's phases so night time becomes more light at certain times of the month. I am an astronomer and spend much time out in the dark and I think you would find even on a very dark night, it's not always as dark as the game makes it out to be. Heck if you had a serious realism issue, have the earth go through seasons as well, with summer being lighter and winter getting darker quicker (northern hemisphere setting).
  9. shamefuldirty

    My equipment never saves

    Have [played same servers etc and different ones. It's bizzare. Tring day z commander now. Jope it heps and I am grateful to you all for the help.
  10. shamefuldirty

    My equipment never saves

    New thing, it now keeps spawning me as I was in the middle of nowhere with a few items of equipment I claimed. If I carry on playing it still resets me as I was in the last location with the same equipment again. So I could find guns, food, full load of blood, like i did before, but when I log back in again it has me near a farm house again with some basic stuff I had collected a few days ago. Sorry I don't get that, abort, go to server screen. Still has my location. With you so far. Then if I go back into the server without exiting it I will spawn where I left? So I go back into the game again your saying? Then I abort again?
  11. shamefuldirty

    Just how bad are hackers?

    Not seen a hacker yet myself. Been playing for three days almost. I'm sure I will see one soon enough.
  12. shamefuldirty

    My equipment never saves

    Sorry, what is write permissions set? Not massively computer savvy, Know a bit, but not a huge amount.
  13. shamefuldirty

    My equipment never saves

    charecter always changes to a starting location and it does it even when I do not die.
  14. shamefuldirty

    My equipment never saves

    When I start a new game, even on the same server I was just on, my equipment resorts to default. Anybody have any ideas about this? Im using the "Play with six" server finder to play games at the moment. Got the steam version of arma 2 as well.