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Everything posted by ebonix

  1. Date/Time: 23th and 24th of May What happened: When I logged out on NY8 and then back in on another server, my position was randomized, along with my nutrition, hydration and blood amount. I had also lost all my collected items. The GIST of this report is that neither of my 2 RL friends were affected by this glitch on either occasion, just me! We always play together. Is my character data corrupted? My player ID is 12198534. Where you were: (Server NY8? Hosted by Faindizzle?) Logged out in Kabanino, the next time I logged in I was still in Kabanino, but approximitely 200-300 meters away from where I had logged out, with bleeding status effect, low blood amount and had lost all my assorted items, having just the default package instead (Makarov, beans, etc.) The next time I logged out (A few hours later) was in the forest range between Gvozdno and Krasnostav and the next time I logged in (Just 30 minutes ago), I was in Solichniy beach with default gear and an alarmingly low hydration and nutrition value and had again lost all my items, rolling back to default Makarov etc. I am currently playing on FI1. What you were doing: Playing normally, roaming around the world, collecting gear and supplies, killing zombies, etc. I was doing nothing out of the ordinary that would potentially risk my character data, I think. I log out using Esc > Abort > Disconnect every time.