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About StonedBandit

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  1. StonedBandit

    Getting Back in DayZ, whats the hacking like

    It just depends on when the kids are out of school.
  2. StonedBandit

    Shit Just Got Real ' Stolen Suv!

    What server you playing on?
  3. StonedBandit

    Shit Just Got Real ' Stolen Suv!

    Don't listen to all these QQ's. Be a man and take the apocolypse by the balls. You have my beans good sir.
  4. StonedBandit

    DayZ PC Build?

  5. StonedBandit

    trading pepsi

    Nooo! It's a trap.
  6. StonedBandit

    Cheat found

    Yes you can :P
  7. StonedBandit

    About Stand Alone, any news?

    ^ Don't the the lead developer...hate the game :P I too have been searching far and wide for the latest dayz news to no avail.
  8. StonedBandit

    Female Zombies

    Just cause half the community supports the idea say...we add vehicles that are bulletproof with rocket launchers and machine guns shooting out of its ass does not mean they will do it. I was not flaming him for his ideas. I was simply saying...come up with ideas to improve in other areas of the game instead of something that in all honesty does not really matter at this point in time. Or anywhere within the next few months for that matter. That is how were going to make this game better, quicker.
  9. StonedBandit

    Clipped through wall of sealed room NOW WHAT?!?!

    IF none of those work...use something to hold your key down and sprint into a wall til you die of dehydration
  10. StonedBandit

    Female Zombies

    -_- Do you really think that with all the people working on this game that they have not thought about this?? The game is STILL alpha and with that in mind...remember that new zombie models is not a high priority compared to the SO MANY issues with this game. We all love this game and have loved watching it transform the way it has. Be patient. Great things will come to those who wait :)