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Posts posted by Hicklethumb

  1. -_-

    Do you really think that with all the people working on this game that they have not thought about this??

    The game is STILL alpha and with that in mind...remember that new zombie models is not a high priority compared to the SO MANY issues with this game. We all love this game and have loved watching it transform the way it has. Be patient. Great things will come to those who wait :)

    So you want us to give them suggestions on how to remove hackers and such?

    This section was to suggest ideas to the Standalone / Mod updates, and that is clearly what OP is doing.

    Pretty much nailed it right there. Thanks. It was a suggestion, I'm not going to stop playing the game just because it's not there.

    This thread

    Aaaand you lost me there. I've seen this thread so many times, use the search feature. ._.

    Yeah. Searching for "Female zombies" brings This as the most recent topic dedicated to this topic. And which didn't really have any relevant replies to it. I'm not going to ressurect topics for discussion. ;)

    Back to this topic though. The thought basically came from a bunch of friends discussing on what might have caused the apocalypse when we started wondering what happened to all the females. Did they all escape? Was it a gender specific virus?(more likely, but still a bit far fetched). None of the answers satisfied. So here I am, posting the suggestion. :rolleyes:

  2. I don't know if this has been posted before. But unless my eyes have been decieving me and Chernarus is just filled with really butch looking women, there aren't any female zombies running around.

    Where did they all go to? Was there a YMCA convention in town?

    There are already female models in ARMA2/DayZ. Plus, having them running after me screaming wildly while trying to kill me might add to the realism
