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Everything posted by CaliNorte650

  1. so my favorite server was about to go through a restart, so i logged out and waited a few minutes. refreshed the server list, found it, went to join, but it says (see topic title), would you like to continue? beneath it it says you can also try force beta patch in game options (which is already selected). so when i click yes, arma II loads up dayz, but it says bad version detected, connection rejected. Now i can't connect to any server. i updated playwithsix right before i joined the server earlier, so everything should be the latest. How can i tell what version my game is and if it is indeed outdated?
  2. i actually just found a server that i could join lol. i've tried commander but i found the UI too convoluted. PWS is clean and simple and that's why i've stuck to it for a while now. oh well hopefully it will be fixed in the morning.
  3. CaliNorte650

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    so playwithsix updated to 1.7.3 this morning, tried to join a server. they were using a different dayz_code, as the message blacked out the entire screen, not allowing me to see what my character was doing. someone on the side chat said to uninstall and re-install, so i did. now the server list doesn't populate (it refreshes, but the filters i have set for the corresponding servers don't pop up) and it only shows one server that i can't even join (status: waiting) will this be fixed by tomorrow?