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Everything posted by babyfell

  1. you all can guess its much more fun.
  2. babyfell

    Build Rolling Update

    rayzooooooooooooaaaaaaaar? i did send you 2 pm's please answer. :(
  3. babyfell

    Build Rolling Update

    okay i will do it fast.
  4. babyfell

    Build Rolling Update

    when i join a new server i never played on i dont get an option and when i die on a server and after i dont get an option.i uppdated with the dayzcommander tool.
  5. babyfell

    Build Rolling Update

    i still dont get an option to choose female on any server... why is that?
  6. babyfell

    I leave a killer alone for one second...

    i hate this people who must talk over their videos with annoying voice. (:
  7. babyfell

    New Bambi, with a dinosaur computer

    seriously... whats with all the "bambi" crap most people mention now? where does it come from?
  8. babyfell

    How Stinky Is the Apocalypse?

    smells very stinky bad.
  9. i want girl faces for the female to choose from and more clothes for her would be nice.
  10. its just a game.. this stuff is not needed, very boring. (:
  11. babyfell

    DayZ: Stalking Prey (GetBrocked)

    lol americans taking a game too serious. xD
  12. babyfell

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    oh can you give me a link to that? when does the patch come out?
  13. babyfell

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    any news about the female player skin? i still cant choose it.. i even saw a dead female skin in a server but i dont know how that player could choose her.
  14. hey.. im new here and extra registered here for this question. since the new update came now when i join a server i cant choose female anymore so i can play only as male now or what? why did they took the female out or is it a bug? at least they should give the female new clothes or something instead taking her out of the game for no reason whatsoever. ps: i will go to bed now so i will check later here tomorrow if someone posted here.
  15. babyfell

    Where did the female go?

    what? i never used those clothes anyway because i dont need them.. this makes no sense that it is incompatibility.. because if someone plays the female he/she knows that you cant put on ghillie and the other stuff, at least she has high res skin.
  16. babyfell

    Where did the female go?

    okay i will try what sausage typed later today. thanks for answering me (:
  17. babyfell

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    what a great forum... you ask something and nobody is answering your question. one last time.. why i cant choose female anymore when i join a server? i dont want to play as male.
  18. babyfell

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    can somebody answer me?? i want to know why i cant choose female player skin anymore.
  19. babyfell

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    i extra registered on this site to ask this.. why the hell did they remove the female players skin now?? it makes no sense to remove her.. instead they should give her new clothes or something. now i must play as male character always or what?