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About enforzed

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. enforzed

    Retrospective montage from release to now

    There is currently fuck all to do in Dayz so what kind of video were you people expecting...
  2. enforzed

    hunting bloodsuckers on namalsk

  3. Well it's a survival game and what makes the game fun for me are the intense moments when bandits try to fuck you up but they fail
  4. Why the hell would anyone play on a bandit free server, it's boring lol
  5. enforzed

    Hostage mode

    Or if one of your mates is being annoying just handcuff him
  6. enforzed

    Hand cuffs

    This is a good idea :P
  7. Too bad the guy didn't die from the fall :P amazing video btw
  8. enforzed

    Custom Skins. Why wont they work? :(

    Our servers support custom face files :D ]
  9. enforzed

    My idea's

    If you like the shop idea you should try out wasteland
  10. enforzed

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Make a new hotfix where the useless toilet paper and razors are gone or make us able to throw toilet paper and give us the new food and drink names back..
  11. enforzed

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Can someone explain why people got upset about this?
  12. enforzed

    Does anybody know of any dayz money matches?

    There was survivalgames I think but that's finished already
  13. enforzed

    Namalsk Nuke how do i set it off?

    Since when is there a nuke in Namalsk?