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Everything posted by frankforsyth

  1. frankforsyth

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    Yeah. AMD = ATI, worked. But in one point, i experienced those glitches again, but in minor scale, not devastating my view (happened at handars in Balota airfield).
  2. frankforsyth

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    It worked! (on ATI card), great! Many thanks, you have my beans. Btw do you know who can do permanent fix for this issue? Is it manufacturer's mess that is needed for them to clean?
  3. frankforsyth

    Banned on DE 1519

    Good news is that you are not global banned if you can join other servers (if you were, you would not be able to join any Arma 2 multiplayer session). I recommend trying to contact server admins, they are pretty desperate from hacking and cheating these days, so they can ban someone by accident. I also recommend that you ensure that all stuff you carried or had in your tent was not cheated, because you can get ban only by possessing those thing, not just creating (these are actual ingame weapons: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons) Btw stuff in tents are saved on server (working most of time), until someone find that tent and loot it. In the meantime just switch server and play with your friend without giving them weapons. FInding your first weapon and shooting first zombies on your own is great experience, so let them live it through.
  4. frankforsyth

    Simple fix to respawn spamming

    Yes, I just wanted to start a new thread for this. This repeated respawning is simply meta gaming and there should be some simple obstacle to do it. Something like respawn cooldown would be nice, but i think 5 mins is more proper than 15. Anyone can die 2 minutes after restart and waiting 12 mins would be really annoying. My suggestion is 5 mins cooldown. I think its enough.
  5. frankforsyth

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    YES! But there should be assured that everyone could jump out of plane with parachute. Team airdrops to dangerous locations will be hilarious!
  6. I am for comfirmation of respawn (at least when you are not in youre-dead-screen). This is rough edge that is not really necessary.