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About Harlico

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kelowna, Canada
  • Interests
    Video Games, my family, hunting, Football (it is NOT called SOCCER!)
  1. Harlico


    Wow it's amazing that some if you have taken this term to a whole new level! It's about as offensive as being called a noob! Now shut up ya whining Bambi noobs and grow a pair.... So I can blow em off and hang em on my wall! ;)
  2. Very mature answer to the final q there! :) Do u need a vial of my blood and a seaman sample to get in or do we just hang out and see if our relationship flourishes? ;)
  3. Lots of Bumping going on around here so im going to ask you some questions. :) 1. Are you Bandits or heroes? 2. How many people do you have that play? 3. How many of those are frequent players? 4. Do you all play mainly on one server? 5. What time zone are you in? and finally.... can I harass the hot ladies just a bit?
  4. All the servers this happened on last night were Private Hives... and your right Dreygar... Low pop servers would fix some of the hacker issues but it is boring as hell with no real threat (Bandits).
  5. So I havent played in about 3 months as I have been studying for my Real Estate Exam, but yesterday after watching some Youtube Clips for Origins, I got a craving that only the undead and a tin of beans could fix! An hour of updates later and im in, excited to see my spawn spot and what the next few hours would hold for me on the 52/55 population server! Spawn in and im in the middle of a field... look at the bottom left corner and see "WTF.... really...." Im 5 seconds in and im already hit by a hacker... Change Server - Loading... excitment building, frustration passing... Finally im in AND.... I find myself in a field doing gagnam style, music and all. Change Server - Loading... not really excited at all anymore, not even frustrated just kind of bored. I will give it one more go though, even though I knew that I wouldnt enjoy it half as much as I would have if the first time had worked! Finally, in I go, I miss the bottom right hand corner telling me my location but I notice that I am just east of Cherno so start making my way down the road. 45 minutes in, Makarov in pocket, Hatchet in hand, just dispatching my 3rd Zombie working my way toward the hospital then Suddenly! 400ft Free fall... 3 Times in the space of about an hour and a half... All I can say is that thank Fuck Its been changed to Client side Hosting in the Standalone because this shit gets old REALLY fast and I wont be visiting again until SO's release. Rant over.
  6. Combat - Hand to Hand, silent take downs (zombies and players) Weapons - Cattle Prod, Tazer, Knife, Archery Bow Ammo - Tazer Rounds, Tranquilizer Darts, GPS Tracking Dart, Crafted - hand to hand (Makeshift knives, Tazers, undetectable weapons like spring loaded blades (for that last ditch effort when being held up) mounted guns Equipment - tracking devices, defibrillator (to rez players if you are quick, with a Cool Down) Raids - My Feelings on this are Raids being just really highly infested areas that have equipment that will allow for larger groups to produce special equipment through grabbing heavier machinery. Maybe the group needs to have a certain size base and a certain size transport vehicle to get the machinery out. Places for this could be work shops, army bases, airports, Shopping Malls, etc to get special equipment for certain skills. For examples of items of items see below. Special items through Raids - reloading equipment for bullets, welder for reinforcing vehicles/structures, mounting weapons to vehicles, Making Parts for vehicles, customizing vehicles with heavier armour/damaging components/Battering Rams, science and hospital equipment to work on a cure or create meeds, security cameras and equipment/alarms to protect your base, generators, Secret Military equipment, Taking Gas tankers so that you have one at your base (having to go and get gas trucks to refill them). Vehicles - Horses Infected players - Able to watch for a few seconds after death as you come back as a zombie Bases: Underground (with larger groups digging out safe areas), Fortifying existing buildings, Growing Food Crafting Suggestions: Clothes - Spike attachment for shoes to help climb trees for better vantage points.sniping/hiding, water proof Clothing, heated clothing (battery powered or heat packs), Weapons - Bows and Ammo, Traps with the environment, Bipods for rifles to help steady your aim, Equipment - camera attachments for pets, explosives for rat pets Structures - tree stands, Bunkers, Customization - face paint, clothing, skins, Status effects - Trainable Skills - (in the same way that you would learn them in EvE Online, over a set period of time that varies depending on the skill and its difficulty) - Maybe Scientists skills work towards a cure or create medical supplies, Engineers, to use heavy machinery to fortify bases/build parts for vehicles or machinery, Gunsmiths increasing weapon usage/building gun components, Survivalists to build traps with the environment/survive longer outdoors/ better hunting skills/higher blood back from cooking food. Zombies - Just Smarter would be perfect, make them a threat again not an inconvenience Medical equipment - stackable, adrenalin shots for faster running or strength etc. More animals to hunt - Deer, birds
  7. A Crafting system has been confirmed. I am sure part of this will be clothing and accessories.
  8. Thanks for all the tips guys! I will try that US303 later tonight! If your about Mojo my toon is called The Butcher Thanks again! If there are any other servers that you can think of drop me a line... looking for somewhere to call home until standalone Cheers!
  9. So I start a new guy on a high population server and anyone who has played on 30 - 40+ Pop servers knows that getting off the shore line is like walking across the beaches on D-Day. I manage to get north, get a gun or two from some huts and make it ALL the way up to Green Mountain without becoming Bandit Fodder! I am belly down crawling around the Giant tower as I hear Flys, there is a Helicopter sat with a bandit not even looking at me so I line up my shot thinking this couldnt have been a better day and how much fun im going to have looking through the goodies this guy has stored up whilst bombing around in a working chopper... and then... me and everyone else on the server free fall from 3,000 feet to our death!! Unlucky... maybe! So pissed off I move on to another server, Nice crowd, some clans battling it out but not too serious. I start on the other side of the map this time and I manage to make it up to the Factory above Dolina. I scope it from a distance and there are 2 UAV's, 2 ATV's and a motorcycle... at this point I thought that the Horse shoe I must have sat on was rewarding me for my helicopter heart ache! I get over there, cut the barbed wire and im in, again, belly down crawling between the vehicles and salivating over the gear and trying to decide which vehicle to take and what gear I want... and then that familier breeze began to blow through my hair as myself and everyone else were AGAIN dropped from the sky into a mushy pile of corpses... Now I love this game... I truly do... its like Rocket reached into my head and pulled out exactly what I have been waiting for in a video game since Battlefield 3.... but whats the point if 1 geeky little twat who downloaded something that they dont even understand, can hit 1 button and destroy everything that you have been working for in the time it takes you to hit the floor! I cant wait for the standalone, I am already addicted however can someone PLEASE point me in the direction of a safe server that has a good population... I dont care if I have to DONATE i just want to play the game, have fights with bandits, eat Beans and be merry and not have to worry about some Dick head in his mums basement dropping me out of a plane with no parachute and destroying 4 hours of collecting shit! Rant over, hopefully someone has some good news for me!
  10. Harlico

    How do you play yours?

    42" LED with a 27" i7, 16GB iMac for my map! Black Widow Razer Keyboard, Microsoft standard 5 button mouse (because they are still epic) and limited edition Bravo Call of duty headset! What do you run?
  11. I have only played Cherno and I am looking to give some others a go, just wondering what other people are playing and enjoying?
  12. Time: 22:27 Date - November maybe…. Location - Unknown I found this empty note book in a gas station so I am going to use it as a diary and to try and keep track of time. If I don't live through this maybe the things in here can help someone else survive, even if it is just for one more day. Everyone has their story and maybe when I have more time I will tell you mine. My last name is Byrne. I don't see the point in writing my first name anymore no one has said it in a long time and trust me, you never heard of me. I had been sailing on a small sail boat for 12 days according to my count, until last night when my boat was overturned in a storm. I awoke to find myself washed up on a beach to the east of a town called Kamehka. The writing on the signpost looked to be in Russian so I can only assume that I am still somewhere in eastern Europe. I managed to find a well and filled some old water canteens from my backpack that were getting low. Nothing is more important than water so always remember the 3:30 survival rule. 3 days without water, 30 days without food. This is dependant on temperature of course but if you find this on my corpse tomorrow your in eastern europe in November (I think) so no sun tan for you in the next while. I had lost my supplies bag that was attached to my backpack when i went overboard so i decided to see what i could find in town. My 4 hour search turned up a tin of canned sardines and a knife, slim pickings but it will get me through the next week or more. I followed some train tracks to a gas station just east of town and found this note book and pencil along with a can of coke. Its amazing how the things that we were told as kids were bad for us have now become a key part in staying alive. Not so worried about it rotting my teeth now. I drank it on the spot, i need the sugar more than the liquid itself. On my way out I was so busy checking the area that i walked across some broken glass and startled a Z… I took its jaw clean off with the first swing as he came at me so fast I couldn't get a good shot. The second one cleaved about 3 inches into the right temple and he dropped. Luckily I didn't startle any of the others as I wasn't feeling much like running after the night I had just had. I am held up just north of the town in a tree stand. Somebody was here within the last month or so, there are empty food cans and a bottle of whiskey. Looks like I found the party house! I have cut the ladder off with my hatchet so no wandering Z's can climb up in the night. Its late now, time for sleep. Tomorrow I follow the shore line and see if I can find a boat.
  13. Harlico

    That was weird.

    Rule number 1.... Never trust anyone without Good reason and even then be cautious... and a personal rule of mine - If I see a bandit mask moving I Shoot at it until it stops moving... Just being honest.
  14. Harlico

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Raiding NW Air Field... only me on the server... it was late at night. Just get out of the far west hanger and go out the back of it to lay down in the bushes to dodge a Z. Im not there for more than 10 seconds when 4 clan members spawn in right in front of me. As soon as they see my name on the server they have mics on and are all talking about killing me on sight. I am laying within feet of them while they are saying this... They move out front and find my motorbike parked in the hanger so they all go in and are talking about who will drive it. I creep up to the front of the bunker..... and then one of them says... "Hey... What if this is that guys and he is up here now" talking about me... As the other guy is talking about going out looking for me I am pulling the pin on a grenade... They didnt even hear a thing until it was too late. I started shooting with my M4 Suppressed before the Frag went off but when it did...1 bike and 4 bandits go bye bye! After I cleared up the mess I realized that my heart was beating out of my chest! I grabbed what I could from their corpses, left the bike and ran away!