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About bananazorz

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    On the Coast

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  1. bananazorz

    Website - Current version of DayZ on index

    I'm definitely supporting this idea. I don't get to play DayZ that often so every time I play I'm not sure whether there is a new version or not. Having a simple "Current version: alpha X.X.X.X" or such in, for example, the downloads page would be really helpful :)
  2. bananazorz

    Completely invisible

    I know my post will not change the issue but I'm reporting about the same issue here. My friends can't see me, I can't see me, my enemies can't see me. Only zombies can see me but that's pretty much all about it. Started to happen right after the latest update. Hopefully there will be a fix for this soon!
  3. Date/Time: 24.5.2012 from about 13 GMT+3 to 17 GMT+3 What happened: Location and equipment reset multiple times Where you were: In the forests near Khelm and Berezino, Berezino, Khelm What you were doing: Searching for loot in the towns and avoiding zombies *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: SE4, SE8 with the early tests, later on tried pretty much all European servers and some East Coast servers from US *Your system specs: *Timeline of events before/after error: A friend of mine and I were attacking Berezino hoping to get some precious loot. The first time we thought the server could possibly be bugged since there was only about 30 zombies and almost to none loot. We re-connected and noticed we had moved back to our original spots (where we started at 1pm). We decided to try again since we were almost certain it was something with the server (30 zombies is pretty suspicious). We connected to another server and did the same thing again where we went to Berezino and looted almost all the houses in sight. After this we left the city to go back in the woods for cover and decided to try disconnect and join to see if it worked. This time it didn't work either so we started randomly connecting to servers to see if they would work or not. All the servers we tried (which was almost all the servers) had the same issue, and in some servers we couldn't even move or in worst case had a completely random spawn point. If there is something that has happened today which results today's progress to be lost I'm fine, but hopefully the damage isn't that big and I can at least continue from the point I was in yesterday.