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About fletchernut

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. fletchernut

    Please delete this account

  2. fletchernut

    Keep humanity in Day Z!

  3. fletchernut

    Keep humanity in Day Z!

    big fart
  4. fletchernut

    Bury your stuff

    1 fart
  5. fletchernut

    Keep humanity in Day Z!

    2 fart
  6. fletchernut

    Complex car wrecks

    3 fart
  7. fletchernut

    Treasure and Money

    *Reads the words, "some kind of neutral zone," and immeadeitly ignores anything the post has to say.
  8. fletchernut

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    *Sees post on forum about removing chrosshairs* Oh God, not one of these guys again... *Sees Rocket* FORGIVE ME.
  9. fletchernut


    OH GOD, IT'S DON'T STARVE ALL OVER AGAIN! Also, wouldn't it be hard for my gandalf beard to fit inside of my ghillie suit?
  10. fletchernut

    Why banditing?

    Half of DayZ is about killing other players. ._. Once you get zombies and survivalism down (ex. Avoid zombie aggro, Obtaining general supplies), then you'd start hunting players, as it provides a different experience every time. There's a reason there are barely any Non-Pvp servers out there. Without the PvP element, it's just a zombie shooter.
  11. fletchernut

    Zombie AI = Totally shite.

    Can I stab this guy? Please? "OMG, I'm pissed cuz zombies saw me, and now I'm even more pissed because they couldn't see me when I proned."
  12. fletchernut

    The ghost of the Old Hospital

    2 spooky 4 me. I've tried to hold down the OH twice before, which usually ended with me getting killed by a swarm of bambies wielding the rare and all mighty, makarov. I remember holding it for a couple of hours, until three people all with makarov opened fire on me while I was on the roof. For their luck, a shot nailed my head and killed me. Good times.
  13. fletchernut

    Red Ryder BB Gun

    I want a Red Ryder with a compass in the stock and the thing that tells time. But seriously, I don't think this is a good idea. When people want non-lethal weapons, they mean ones that can stun players/incapacitate them, not something that won't do any damage.
  14. fletchernut

    Fix property of bushes

    Obviously, the bushes and the trees are working together. They want to save as many lives as possible, so they drench themselves in anti-zombie juices, and slap kevlar around their branches. All they want to do is help. Red Cross Bush Regiment.