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Everything posted by deathamongus

  1. How's it going everyone. I've been running a private server for a few months now and have cycled maps pretty frequently. A few friends of mine and I, have decided we wanted to setup a 2v2v2 (no limit to team counts) or 3v3v3 etc... But we need more people. Now I'm not going to give just anyone the opportunity to jump on the server and play with us due to fucktard hackers... So, here is what you need to do if interested... 1) Must have TS3 (Teamspeak for you noobs) 2)Must respond here to inform me of your willingness to play with us. 3)Must be mature. 4)Actual gameplay rules will be issued via TS once we have enough teams in place. * Single players are welcome, teams will be randomly chosen. There will be no preset teams. This could be a bust, but the little bit of testing we have done so far was pretty intense. So for now, I just want to know if there is an interest out there. Thanks guys for your attention and responses. - FutbolTrue
  2. Good deal man. Do you have a website or a TS server? I can easily set something up with the couple of guys I have playing with me. Just let me know.