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Ornlu Wolfjarl

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About Ornlu Wolfjarl

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

    Finally problem solved, thank you!
  2. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

    If anyone is reading this, I am in Kamenka near the bridge, spawned at the beach. I am currently on server 1993. If anyone is reading this, please come and kill me (although I doubt it) If any of the support team/devs/server admins of US 1993 are reading this, please have my character killed/reset whatever it is you can do to allow me to respawn. I've been having this issue for 3 days now with the only response being "Can't someone come kill you?"
  3. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

    or at least make it available to unconscious players to access their menu and then use the respawn function after 10-20 mnutes have passed. That would actually solve a billion glitches
  4. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

  5. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

    For me to be asking this, isn't it obvious that no one can come and kill my character? It's easier said than done anyway, I can't access my controls so I can't talk to anyone on the server, I'm somewhere in Kamenka, so fat chance that anyone will travel there just to kill some guy they don't know, I tried with some guys on teamspeak on one of the servers I tried logging to see if the problem would be fixed, but they refused on the premise that they don't know me, and I could very well be leading them to a trap and I was too far away anyway. Can someone please just reset my character? Is it that hard a process? It's been nearly 2 days since this happened. And the worst part is that I broke my bone and died because a zombie glitched out of existence on top of a loot pile I was examining. Just please reset the character, I don't care about losing anything, since I already have nothing. I don't mind I got killed by a glitch, what I do mind is that for two days I can't regain what I lost because I spawn unconscious, even though this isn't supposed to happen since today's update.
  6. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Serverhopping Fix Suggestion

    People exploit hopping servers for two reasons: a) To get more loot from a single location (i.e. they are at a Deer Stand and log on and off to a different location to see if they can get better guns) B) To avoid getting killed and losing their gear To solve the problem, the devs need to focus on how to successfully fix both of the above reasons, while not impeding law-abiding players or punishing people who hopped to other servers for a legitimate reason (hacking, lagging, friends elsewhere etc) For this I propose the following: -> Fix for looting exploit: Let's say that a player named John is on Server A. If John logs off Server A, while he's still alive, and logs on to Server B he will still spawn on the same location. If John logs on Server B and less than 10 minutes have passed since he logged off Server A, then the area around John (in a radius the devs will define) will retain the loot that was around John when he logged off Server A (for instance if John takes an AK-74 from a deer stand from Server A, but leaves the empty tin can, then when he spawns in Server B, the deer stand he will spawn next to or onto, will only contain a tin can). If a player (named Tom) that was already on Server B is in the vicinity of John's spawning point, then John will not carry Server A's loot "with" him, but instead the loot spawning process will only be affect by Tom. -> Fix for death avoiding exploit: Let's say again John is on server A. If shots are currently fired at John or around John (let's say hitting or passing within 5 metres of him) or John is currently been seen by zombies, then John can't log out of the server until 120 seconds after the shots that have been fired at him have ceased, or the zombie(s) chasing him have lost him or John is dead.
  7. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Please reset my character

    Hi there My character has the infinite hourglass bug. Before you say it, no I am not hopping servers or anything. This happened several hours after I was in that server. My character had his leg broken by a zombie that glitched into existence on top of a loot pile I was checking. I tried leaving the town prone, but unfortunately the zombies were already alerted to my gunshots and swarmed over me and killed me. After doing the respawn process, I spawned somewhere near Kamenka, with my leg still broken and the infinite hourglass on my screen. The hourglass has barely moved and the game has been running all night. I tried logging in and out of several servers to see if the problem would be fixed but it persists through all public hive servers. The only solution was to start playing on Private Hives. Please reset my character. PID: 861919174 GUID: 7086dca1d0c458495f457291e5f3fbba Thank you
  8. Ornlu Wolfjarl

    Spawning unconscious, timer does not count down

    Same here ID: 861919174 Please reset my character, I don't mind losing whatever I have Been like this for 12 hours, the game was running all night and the hourglass hasn't moved a notch