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About un_poco_lobo

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    On the Coast

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  1. un_poco_lobo

    Constant mod errors

    Wow. With that kind of entitled, impatient attitude no wonder no one is helping you. Seriously, even if you get the game working, that kind of attitude will have you rage quitting after 20 minutes in game. Every single error you have posted I have seen multiple times posted elsewhere. So instead of "demanding" that someone caters to Atosag, do some research and be a little self sufficient. If you're not willing to work with difficult states of development, wait for the mod's full release. It's the price of the privilege of playing the alpha build.
  2. un_poco_lobo

    Direct Communication not working at all...

    Same, voice and text direct are broken for me.
  3. See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Half the people are having no luck and the other half are saying "works for me, you must be doing something wrong." What is going on here?
  4. un_poco_lobo

    Download download and download

    The constant updating is all part of the game being in Alpha state. Alpha means new features are being added, balancing, bug fixing. So yes you're going to have to do a lot of updating, but for me it's a small price to pay for getting to be part of the early stages of this mod and watching it grow.
  5. So I know this is an issue a lot of people are having. However whenever this gets brought up it's treated like people just don't know how to work their own mics and settings. After talking to numerous people, I've found this isn't an isolated problem. Ever since 1.4.6, direct channel, side channel, etc in-game VoIP has not been working. The microphone icon doesn't even pop up. Ever since this morning (1.4.11), direct channel text hasn't been working either. Now a lot of people are forced to used side text to talk to someone right next to them. So does anyone have any fixes yet, and if not and you are having these problems, please let it be known. Thanks!
  6. un_poco_lobo

    Why dont Americans use American servers?

    I was to only play on US servers I would only be playing the game at night.
  7. What about false hits on your humanity score? I try and play pretty friendly honestly. However there have been two times where I think I would take an undeserving hit on my humanity score. What I'm trying to say is, what about killing someone in self-defense? Being shot at but killing the killer before he kills you? But hey, it's still trail and error at this point so I'm open to anything really.
  8. - Before you have a map I recommend pulling up a map (either alt-tabbed or in steam overlay) and matching the Russian characters on town signs with the Russian characters on the map to determine location Can't think of anything else that hasn't already bee said.