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TeNnAnT 93

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Everything posted by TeNnAnT 93

  1. TeNnAnT 93

    Vehicles we want to see!

    Just wanted to get a list together of Vehicles that would be useful to put into the game or just what people want to see. I know this may have been done before but oh well :) Anyway so lay it out nice and easy for people to follow EG: Name: Chinook Uses: Can carry multiple players also has the ability to carry Vehicles. Why you want it in the game: I think one of these flying around would be amazing. Photo: Thanks and look forward to seeing peoples ideas.
  2. TeNnAnT 93

    Vehicles we want to see!

    Erm they probably would have to change the name im not sure how that works but easy done EG: lamborghini change to Tamborghini... i dunno, as for car mods 100% agree would be awesome! And yeah it is the choppers name im sorry to disappoint
  3. TeNnAnT 93

    Vehicles we want to see!

    my bad about the 200 posts was spamming the post button because i thought it crashed :blush:
  4. TeNnAnT 93

    More advanced statistics board

    110% agree with Orlok
  5. TeNnAnT 93

    Survivors hero's bandits and CANNIBALS

    Good point i dint think of it in that way, another way around it is making it only possible to get the Bandits? this way people will fight back more against them and stops another reason for new plays being killed for there skin?
  6. I think that there should not be mutations just the infected, I know what you mean the infected at the moment are slow, stupid and not scary enough. There to easy to get away from but mutation is not the answer it makes the game over the top, a solution to this is too increase the number of the infected i mean not a measly 20 running at you should be more like 50-100 maybe there not dangerous on there own but when you p*** off that many you are going to be scared not only of dying but the 50-100 infected after you! i like the mutation idea but i don't think its for DayZ its not the point of the game if you know what i mean. (Just my thoughts not trying to say your wrong) :)
  7. TeNnAnT 93

    Survivors hero's bandits and CANNIBALS

    encouraging bandits even more, think it has more cons than it does pros. I actually like it but not too keen on being hunted because some guy is starving when he could just ask me for some food?
  8. TeNnAnT 93

    Sticky notes, infected animals and more!

    -Sticky notes/Posters - (good idea but i think a note pad would be better more personal and useful to a player not just messing around putting posters everywhere) -Infected animals - (not too sure on this I like it how none are infected shows there maybe a cure and also like 28days maybe it dint cross species) -Something that Zombies drop? - (they do drop stuff.....) -Currency - (Infected everywhere who really gunna trade and the game is survival maby a trade option not money) -Wallet - (Like this could be useful someone mentioned ID maybe you could collect them or if bandit take them as trophies) -Tape. (100% want this can use to bandage, temp fix cars, tape stuff to bag? and much more) -More Teamwork aspects - (I actually think there is loads of teamwork aspects people just choose to ignore it but agree there needs to be more benefits from it somehow)
  9. TeNnAnT 93

    [Standalone] Mission/Story Editor

    I like the idea its good but personally I think it would shatter the point of DayZ, its all about survival not do this and get loads of loot for doing it. It would take some of the adventure and make the game more easy to gain items. and on a side note if I found an NPC with a car I would find the parts shoot the NPC and take the car.....XD
  10. Somewhat :lol: also i think that if i ran up to any player in DayZ they would trun around and start shooting before i even had the chance to offer a smoke XD
  11. How about increase the zombie's awareness inside of the big city's? make them spawn twice as much as normal and make them smarter eg see you from more of a distance and maybe they attack in hordes of 10-30 at a time this would make the city's dangerous to go in. Stop the pvp (not completely) because you would be more worried about the zombies. This would also add the survival as hitting a big city for supply's is actually dangerous and a last resort And that the city's would have tons of zombies in anyway not just around 20 But a down side is if its harder to get supply's then it may increase the amount of bandits :/
  12. TeNnAnT 93

    Tents die with player.

    hahaaa noo.... :blush: just trying to say if you lose most of your gear in the tent and are left with useless stuff eg: chem sticks... it stops the rearming process to an extent and adds to the realism that a player got in and then nothing will be magically disappearing.
  13. TeNnAnT 93

    Tents die with player.

    how about when you die you lose 50 - 75% of the stuff that was in your tent, that way people wont be super geared up but have a few things to get started also the thought of losing 75% of stuff would put people going back to the tent anyway you spend 20mins getting back to your tent to find a axe, pasta and a glow stick will destroy people who do this and there for will stop it happing as often as it does.
  14. i think an addition of walkie talkies would be a good input into the standalone game, we all to in game talk you have to be pretty close but what if you meet a fellow survivor and meet up? walkie talkies would make it great instead of having skype running in the back ground! You would both be able to loot a city while not being close to each other to talk. Would also be a good way to enter a city ask if anyone is there etc. Also broad cast to other plays for help or wanting to trade heli pick up. install radios into helis and cars. different types of radios with different ranges, eg: 100m 250m 500m (and a rare 1Mile Military spec one). Now on to disconnecting! one thing that annoys me so much! When a player attacks you or takes a pop at you and misses, then you turn around fire back what do they do? DISCONNECT!!! Or you kill them but they disconnect so your unable to get all that loot you deserve! i think there should be a 20 second delay on disconnecting so this is not possible! and if you are killed and disconnect your body should stay! I think this would make people play the game more carfuly and stop them taking pop shots at you and then disconnecting like a girl! Thanks any input welcome (good or bad) -TeNnAnT 93
  15. TeNnAnT 93

    door openings and item placement

    Hi mate, its a nice idea not to sure about the swinging of the mouse might be abit too much for me maybe an option to swing or click to meet all players? the cupboards and floor boards are a great idea i would love searching through a house instead of just looking at the floor! maybe can pull car parts (eg: wheels) off old smashed cars and find loot in them (not drivable cars all the ones fixed to the map) would be a great addition to dayz, Brilliant ideas pal! -TeNnAnT 93