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Posts posted by P_Griffin08

  1. Wasn't sure where to post this..

    But i can't seem to turn it on.

    I saw it used to be scroll-lock but then because some keyboards didnt have it, they changed it.

    But I can't seem to find what they actually changed it to. I haven't seen it posted anywhere.

    I saw someone mention action skill 20 under the custom controls, but that didn't work.

    And anyone i ask in a server has no idea.

  2. is there a dedicated servertool that can run dayz

    i have tools for arma 2 where i dan run 24/7 servers vanilla and missions with mods

    but i can't get it to work with dayz i did manage to the single player dayz to hos but the drawback is that everytime i die the whole game resets wich is not ideal however i could probaly edit the mission file and place the host player on a lhd out in the ocean and then choose another playeble unit but that is again not the way i want to go

    so where can i get the private hive tools i been googleing and tubing but everything i can find is eighter outdated or files are missing

    i personally suggest dayz controlcenter


    • Like 1

  3. I have sent this letter to www.support@battleye.com

    I have bought the game(arma 2 combined operations) to play DayZ 2 or 3 days ago and i have been playing it with no hacks or anything wrong i havent even ever found a better weapon then double barrel shot gun. I had some problems on arma 2 at the start it said "error bad serial number given in setup" so then i restarted my steam and ran it as admin and the problem was gone but how ever today i tried playing the game and it said "arma 2 OA error bad serial number given in setup" so tried doing the same thing as just for arma 2 but it didnt work. i followed this guide http://dayzmod.com/f...given-in-setup/. After that the game ran properly but when i tried going into a server it said Global ban #0622f6. I have no idea what i have done to get banned, i havent done anything wrong, can you please help me get this game back. I wanted to get this game for like 1 month now, i have been watching all the lets plays on youtube and i liked the game alot and now i bought the game and 3 days later i get banned and i dont even know why? Can you please resolve this issue.

    and what i got back was

    Technical details of permanent failure:

    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (state 13).

    Can someone tell me another way of contacting Battleeye.com or how to check why i got banned. My in game name is 2pac and steam name is Kirillshuffler.

    inb4 BE caught you hacking posts

    Besides the fact that yes sometimes BE gives false bans but if it is a mistake it will automatically be fixed in a fairly short time-frame.

    If you did hack, no use posting here and lying because the DayZ team can not unban you, only BE can.

    if you didn't hack just keep trying to email them, until it goes through. If you did hack and are just lying thinking the team could unban you don't bother they have a lot of logs and will know and won't even bother relying to your email

    As far as I'm aware that is the only way to contact BE, and there is no way to find out why you got banned. Because then hackers could do that and find out how to get past it

    edit** it seems you typed their email address wrong. there's no www in an email address


  4. Ok, so for instance, I use Skype. That requires ports to open correct?

    Now my dad is the one I'm going to have to convince, and after explaining what I knew then as, "port forwarding is opening your router's ports to other computers so they can connect on a network" and port triggering as "YOU starting the connection to connect to a computer's ports" which I don't think is necessarily wrong, he said "well that doesn't sound safe, does it?".

    Also, you said your internet opens ports, right? So my dad uses both internet and Skype. He might argue that he only goes on safe sites and only talks to people he knows. If a hacker really wanted to, they could just port in and mess you up, couldn't they? What is the probability of a random attack versus a directed attack on the port in these circumstances?

    And what about TeamSpeak? These guys run a secure, quality software, and I don't think the possibility of some guys coming on my TS, protected with a password will go through all that trouble to mess up my computer, in which I could report it anyway. So what is the possibility of being in danger opening A single port, and it won't be the default port, and having about 5 people (including me) on the TS? What are those dangers?

    What is the probability of an internet-based attack compared to a Skype or TeamSpeak one?

    Finally, how can I port forward in the safest possible way, and what are the dangers and probabilities that I am still exposed to by doing this?

    By the way, how would I fit it in to host a TS server and port trigger? Possible?

    One last thing, for your classes and credentials, where did you study at for them?

    Sorry if this is a bit much or excessive, but my dad is a hard man to convince, and he will need some concrete evidence. And then it still needs to be safe.

    Port forwarding as i said does not open ports, it only helps tell the router where to route the packets with that port coming in.

    Router says "oh hey your packet has Port 2302 in the header, and my port forward tables says you go to computer"

    Most routers use UPNP, which basically is what opens your ports. You open skype, your router see's skype and recoginizes it needs ports x, so it opens it and allows the connections. So almost any program you run will automatically use/open the ports it needs to.

    With the router's firewall you can also open/deny port access. But like i said that is completely different than port forwarding.

    A lot of places say "open ports" and then says port forwarding, but it is not the same. It just helps direct the traffic basically.

    When your dad opens skype, it automatically opens a port and a connection, so an attack if they wanted too could do a port scan on your address and see that the port is open and can do the nessicary attacks to get it.

    Now chances of someone attacking your network just for the hell of it is very low. Usually attackers have specific targets because that victim has stuff they want. whether it be finacial information or programs and anything they deem worthy.

    Now someone could do a DDoS or DoS on your system, but that doesnt need any ports as it only requires ur ip and they can take down your network/internet access. Usually that stems from someone pissing off a 12 yr old who then goes and downloads someone's premade booter...And yes its illegal and they CAN go to jail and its easily traced and most 12 yr olds dont realize that

    Port fowarding is already the safest it can be. Just only forward the ports the program lists. But like i said all it does is direct the traffic to tht specific computer on your network.

    Hosting a teamspeak server isnt really anymore dangerous than your dad running skype or any other program that will automatically open a port.

    An attack can happen to anyone at anytime. Chances are low unless you have something that an attacker wants.

    Port triggering is mainly used when the computer on the network(in example the one running the t.s. server) has an dynamic internal address. But most home networks usually keep the computers with the same internal IP aka

    I go to a trade school that focuses on learning the material for these subjects or an army provided class(as i am in the army) and learn. Then i go to an an Authorized PersonVue testing facility and take the exam. And if i pass i become certified and it is recoginized globally

    You can findout more information here, this link directly goes to the Network+ but u can look at others


  5. Port forwarding isn't the same as a firewall.

    The firewall is what blocks certain ports so hackers can't easily gain access. btw you have port 80 open for http, a hacker can still gain access with that if they really wanted to. but that besides the point

    port forwarding isn't necessarily opening a port but more like telling the router, that if any packets come in with that port to send it to this internal address. It's basically a guide, so the router knows where to send the information correctly

    It wouldn't make your network any less secure than it already is. Some people say if you have issues to add your computer to the routers DMZ, that is what makes it extremely easy for hackers. i would never suggest putting any computers on the dmz, unless your running a web server on it

    Qualifications: CompTIA A+, Network+ .....and getting my Security+ next week

  6. Do i run this instead of my current server files?


    read my edited post

    but no, u would just add it as a parameter, wherever u have the @dayzlingor, u would just d/l rmod and place that in the same folder as the dayz mods and add @rmod to the startup parameters

    users connecting to ur server must have rmod too

  7. a mod called rmod

    to expand, certain vehicles are blacklisted and can't be spawned without rmod

    if the vehicle exists in lingor, i knw it has different/more vehicles than chernarus then u can add it to the database

    vehicles, world_vehicles, instance_vehicles..these are tables within the dayz_lingorisland database

    vehicles, shows wht vehicles can exist in the world

    world_vehicles, are the spawn points for the vehicles, u can add in more spawn points

    instance_vehicle, is where the vehicle is in the world, if its not in instance_vehicle then it doesn't exist in the world

  8. I shall be joining the server, as well as my friends Noshious and Arminius. We to be a part of a great server!

    thank you! you'll find we have a pretty friendly community with some rivalries lol

    i updated the O.P. with a link to our forum(still be worked on) to talk to other players and make suggestions on how to make the server better and report hackers/scripters/cheaters

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  9. If i have to rebuy ArmA 2 Combined Ops i will probaly have to SUE dayzmod.com for it because i bought the game with my money and they get me banned for no reason

    chances are you hacked and got caught. DayZ team can't unban u, its a BattlEye related.

    or you downloaded a program to try and hack and that program stole your cd-key.

    Very unlikely that someone just thought of ur exact cd key and tried it. they obtained it somehow. You did not take good enough care to secure your cd key and for that someone used it to hack and now its banned. That is your own fault.

    You will not be able to sue anybody, can't believe you even tried to say that LOL

    And it still stands DayZmod.com didn't ban you -__-, BattlEye banned you for hacking

  10. These people are hacking and it shows it in the video. They have videos of it on minecraft hacking and now Dayz. I brought this up because I'm sick of Hackers

    "I brought this up because I'm sick of hackers".. that's clearly a different reason then wht u just posted

    btw, read the stickies

    Please read this before reporting a cheater as specific details must be said before we can investigate the report.


    * Server this happened on.

    * Time that it happened including your timezone.

    * What happened during the incident.


    - Video proof

    - Pictures

    - Server logs with IP's removed (GUID's are fine)

    What we don't want:

    - Oh my friend said he saw a cheater.

    - Oh this cheater is streaming.

    - This guy went through a building because obviously it was lag!


    - My mom made me post this

  11. His money helps you from more and more advertising, good word of mouth. I am seriously surprised at the unprofessional response from you. I am guessing that your possibly a younger man, that does not have much experience in this type of forum, or possibly trying to become an upstart in a new business. I completely agree with the OP on this, if this mod is so easily hacked, are we to expect a better solution from the "standalone"? You guys have a huge amount of this community fearing the lack of control over hacks and exploits due to your track record so far.

    Now I Love what you guys have done with this game, I was an arma fan long long before "dayz". BTW: I am sure their are going to be people that make it very clear how wrong I am, and that they haver total confidence in Bohemia, and the DayZ dev team, but you can store that in your ass right along with their noses.

    That was humor, I really do love what you guys are doing and I am so looking forward to the next installment. Real sims are the direction I have been dreaming about in the PC community for along time.

    Age 42, first machine: Pong and Atari 2600.

    You do realize DayZ is a mod of arma2, that being the DayZ team did not make arma2's engine. And this engine is what allows such hacking/modding.

    DayZ team has no control over that. Only BattlEye can try and detect it.

    Being the standalone is using a different modified engine they'll have the ability to lock it down and not allow such scripts. So chances are high that the only thing you'll possibly see are map hacks. Which depending on how the standalone's engine is done could make those almost useless.

    The DayZ team did amazing for what they had to work with. You can't blame them for the hacking or that they can't stop it. It's completely out of their hands in this mod.

  12. I know, but maybe they can do something, I hope they can, but for now it is a problem and isn't what this forum for to report hackers and cheaters and make them know to other people to hope something will be done?

    The only thing that can be done is BattlEye detection methods, they can't stop scripting or hacking as the engine permits it and allows stuff you shouldn't be able to do. They can not change the engine, only BattlEye can up their detection methods and hope to detect all of them. But even still its rare for an external program that uses rpm(readprocessmemory) to get detected, unless it starts writing memory or it's released to the public for BE to analyze

    I believe this subform is to report known cheats and facts about them to get them added to the CBL and banned from other servers.

    Not to put some random group with no info in a spotlight

  13. We all know hacking exists. It's a big problem due to arma2's engine.

    We all know it, we all don't like it. The staff and mods are very aware of the issue.

    Due to arma2's engine there isn't really too much they can do.

    But Why bother putting them on a spotlight? They enjoy this kinda stuff

  14. i dont got the same key, i have checked them

    with the report to the police thats not to be lold at i got on mail them saying it is working as it should. then when its not as they said then its falsh marketing and is against the lore

    first of all, good luck with that, you'll just get laughed out of the police station...

    and if they say its good then its a user end problem...as tech people like me say, the problem is between the chair and the keyboard

    if you're using the same steam account that your original purchase was on then it is infact over-writing ur registry and putting the banned key in there.

    You must have made a new steam account and purchase the game on that and use that steam account to run the game.

    Or change the cd key in your registry and deny write permissions so steam can't over-write it

  15. Alright let me explain this to you since I'm not sure you've actually read the whole entire thread. rawrerz logged onto our server at 9:17 am on 09/09/12 with 4 pipe bombs.

    The logs then show him having 16 pipebombs total within 10 minutes. So he some how obtained 12 more magically without getting in a tent or finding them on a dead body?

    Then 20 minutes later he somehow has 4 more pipebombs, but before this even happened about 3 hours before he had 6 more pipebombs he let off. If my match is right he had a total of 26 pipebombs within 2-3 hours which is a lot considering how hard they are to find/get.

    So I'm assuming he scripted in the gear because he didn't get them off a dead body or from a tent. Plus I find it hard to believe he found that many just laying around.

    you do realize when you place a satchel charge it gets logged.

    Then u pick it up and place it again and its logged, so just by going by those logs its not accurate...how can you not know that

    Also his spawn log that Vortech posted clearly shows he has 12 in his backpack

    And whether or not is his ban is right or wrong doesn't matter, you can submit him to the CBL or w/e you wish, but being on the public hive you CAN NOT ban him for this. It is clearly against the hosting rules, which none of you seem to understand or even care about.

    When you host on the public hive you agree to certain terms, and you must abide by them.

    It's close to the same as signing an NDA. you have to follow those rules. But ya'll just seem to think you can run it however you want and disregard those rules. As I see it, that's very unprofessional.

    If you want to ban people for whatever you see fit, go to a private hive.

    I don't mean any disrespect or anything as I've seen the proof you go through for other peoples ban's and it is extensive. Im just merely pointing out the fact that you're breaking rules and you seem to have no regard for the rules established by the dayz team

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  16. So, last night I was playing with my buddies and we found a truck, this was a private hive and we were new spawns we parked the truck in a tree and logged off, I joined a public hive and it dupped my character from private. I logged off and slept, next morning I receive this message: Battle Eye Global Ban (e57720)

    lies! you hacked & got caught

    reason being... your private hive character can't be "dupped" to the public hive -__-

  17. I played today with my group on this server after killing a Member of the Server owners clan we all got a ban without a reason.


    Time : 04:01 AM

    Server IP :

    This server leaders are untrustworthy , they are not allowed to ban people to save their loot.....

    hate to tell you this, but it IS a private hive so technically they can do what they want, they don't have to follow the public hive rules =/
