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Everything posted by P_Griffin08

  1. P_Griffin08

    Banned - No Reason - DayZ Fallujah [BSS]

    hate to tell you this, but it IS a private hive so technically they can do what they want, they don't have to follow the public hive rules =/
  2. P_Griffin08

    I have a problem with day z

    well you tried to cheat/hack and now your global banned by battleEye or cd key theft if for some reason it was your sister/brother/cat/dog that hacked while u were gone, you're still screwed... u can try http://www.battleye.com/support.html DayZ team can do nothing for you.
  3. w/o being able to see your exact set up i can only speculate, but it not loading the mod seems to be the issue ill send u a pm
  4. probably not wht ur looking for, but i found this more user friendly, with such things http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/88261-dayz-server-controlcenter-173bliss-40/
  5. use DayZ Commander When it says that it means ur loading the DayZ files and trying to play other maps when you should be loading the other maps/mods -mod=@DayZ, instead of -mod=@lingor or w/e it is --edit: missed a part, i see ur using DayZ commander, not really sure why it won't work, but the above reason i posted is why it won't work if u join the server and it says that back out to the menu, and it'll tell u which mods u have loaded, if ur trying to play lingor, u should have 2 lingor mods listed to the right(i believe its 2)
  6. P_Griffin08

    Real noob question.......

    make sure you're not connecting to different hives aka, the main hive vs a private server/hive and some private servers operate different hives than other private servers... vilayer private servers usually tend to all be on the save hive(usually)
  7. P_Griffin08

    Community Ban List Issue

    its understandable that ur having issues, but why remake the same thread you made less than 1 month ago?? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98866-community-ban-list-no-prooflogs/
  8. P_Griffin08

    !HELP! My friend and i can't play dayz together

    easy stuff...his cd key in registry isn't updating try having him open steam as admin, and logging into his account and then running arma2, then arma2 OA, and possibly arma2 CO, if that doesn't work he'll need to delete them then reinstall it all
  9. P_Griffin08

    Why no single player option rocket?

    That's impossible. You can only get a global ban if BE is running...if you enable sp, BE does not get turned on. So he probably used a hack in multiplayer but yes you can enable single player, and its easy. files for were released
  10. P_Griffin08

    New combat system bugs

    its been put out, its not a bug. thts how it works
  11. i think most ss programs just screenshot the actual game, meaning if they don't have esp or anything it won't matter and they could still have a program running in the background
  12. P_Griffin08

    can i turn my NV off on my l85

    press "N" or w/e key you use to turn on ur NVG's and it will switch it to thermal
  13. P_Griffin08

    Combat Logging (ALt+F4) solved...

    If you knew about programming or a/c programs, you'd know battle eye does pretty good. But it is hard with how trusting arma is with the client. BE does way more checks and goes more in to depth for finding hacks than VAC does. Obviously people will always find loop holes, and those smart people that do sell it to those who can't, hence where most of the script kiddies come from And why they don't ban ip's, well ip's are now mostly dynamic from your ISP... so wht if some hacker gets banned and then later on you happen to get the old ip he had? well then you can't play and you'd make a thread here crying about it
  14. i made an acct, just to tell you to use this basically it tells u if u can run a certain game, and how high u are on the scale http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri