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Everything posted by entspeak

  1. The problem with the setup now is that sometimes, for some unknown reason, the game inverts the way it works. When I'm running and hit the vault key, I stop and do the slow vault and when I'm walking and hit the key, I do a quick run up and the fast vault. It's incredibly annoying. I've had this problem since December. (I reported this issue back then, but it's not been acknowledged). I agree that slow vaulting would have its benefits. Having two separate keys would give you the choice regardless of speed or initial stance - maybe make the default slow vault "V" and the default fast vault "2x V". And, it would solve my issue of it intermittently reversing the way it works using one key.
  2. entspeak

    Wounds from bullets

    I do think it would be cool, some point in the future, to differentiate between various wounds... some simply requiring a bandage, others requiring stitches. I doubt we'll ever get to a point where surgery would make sense in the game. But, it would be awesome to have wounds that only stop bleeding for a time when bandaged and will only truly stop bleeding when they're sewn up. I recall watching some Shack Tactical videos for Arma II where it would sometimes take multiple bandages to stop bleeding - one wouldn't be enough. So, maybe there's an Arma mod out there that could provide insight on how to do this in SA. I'd also love to see some screaming in pain of a wound is bad enough. Of course there are lots if possibilities once they get the wounded animations working.
  3. entspeak

    Redefine your "Definition of Done"

    Yes, they knew exactly what the state of the alpha was. That's why Rocket handled the release the way he did. That's why there's a warning that pretty much let's everyone playing know the state of the game. You can speculate about the funds BI may or may not have until the cows come home. But it was felt that the there was a game there to play - even if it was incomplete.Not all software is the same and public alphas for games are a completely different beast. What you're describing about the testing process is exactly what happens. The game is in development, they put features in and explain that some are placeholders, some don't work properly... it's the stuff they don't mention that you come across that are the bugs. That's how development testing works. This isn't the type of alpha where they completely finish the game and hand it to you to see if it all works. That's not what early-access is about. "Time to step up..." I don't know what you're talking about. You want a beta, that's what you're asking for. This isn't ready to be a beta. It was made clear to everyone where this game was and they've been pretty good about keeping people apprised of progress via changelogs. My suggestion to you would be, if the progress they are making doesn't work for you, wait til later to play. Progress for the development shouldn't be based on the number of people willing to play the game in its current state. Nobody's been misled. Caveat emptor.
  4. entspeak

    Redefine your "Definition of Done"

    Some bugs are harder to fix than others. Because it's a public alpha, they have to balance holding off an update for a particular big fix with the constant call for more updates from players. The way it seems to be working right now - they seem to address bugs that kill the ability to play before things like loot spawns in some buildings. Also, sometimes bugs seem fixed in internal testing, but once it goes to experimental, they crop up again. It is a balance of priority, how long it will take to fix the problem and how badly the bug impacts gameplay.
  5. entspeak

    The "Zombie Threat"

    I also would love to have zombies that could grab and hold you. It would make melee so much more risky. The DayZ lore, as I understand it, is that survivors are immune, but this doesn't mean wounds can't get infected if untreated. I liked what was happening in the original mod just prior to SA's release. There you would get bitten and it would warn you that you would get infected and if the wound was left untreated, you got sick. I'd love to have something like that here. If you get a bleed, you should run the risk of infection - for any wound (zombie attack, gunshot or melee attack). And it shouldn't tell you anything until you start getting sick (it should be common sense to clean a wound). And then, 20 minutes later or so, you get messages like, "you feel flush...", "you have a fever..." Then they can add some visual effects like they're planning for drugs. The risk should depend on how bad the wound was. The bigger the wound, the greater the chance of infection. Then, people would have to clean their wounds before bandaging to avoid that risk.
  6. entspeak

    Redefine your "Definition of Done"

    They don't need to redefine their definition of done; they fully acknowledge that it's NOT done. What you're describe would best be defined as a beta - that seems to be what you want them to give you. So, I think rather than BI redefining their definition of done, you need to accept the definition of alpha. Experiencing bugs, crashes, bugs, bad performance and... oh yeah, big huge game crashing bugs are part and parcel of testing an alpha - which is, essentially, what you are doing when you play this early-access game. Public alphas are a relatively new phenomenon, so it's understandable that people have a misconception about what the experience should be; but, you can't reasonably ask that an alpha be anything other than what it is.
  7. entspeak

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    My hope - I haven't played it yet, is that "Eat All" simply avoids having to manually press a button each time... the animation should take the same amount of time as spamming the eat button (if you could). If it takes 10 servings to finish a bag of rice and only 4 servings to finish a can of beans, that's how much time it should take under "Eat All." You shouldn't be able to finish a bigger meal in the same amount of time as a smaller one. *noted the Reddit comments from Rocket. Still hope the length of the animation is based on how much food is being eaten.
  8. entspeak

    Gesture to block the sun.

    I love the new gestures and have an idea for another. Many times, when being blinded by the sun, people hold their hands up in order to block the sun from their eyes so that they can see better. It would be awesome if there was a gesture for that in the game.
  9. entspeak

    Gesture to block the sun.

    While you currently can't move in a direction while gesturing, you can still rotate your body and look around while gesturing. Don't quite know what you're on about. I said sunglasses would be great, but the forum rules clearly state that they don't want duplicate suggestions, so I didn't include sunglasses here for that reason. How you arrived at this somehow meaning that I don't want something that blocks the sun is beyond me. Haha... no. The sun is not a small pinprick. Try raising your axe and using it to block the sun... it's quick and pretty intuitive. The second the glare is gone, you have it. You really only need this when you're facing the sun anyway. While, I would love combat gestures for Arma (back when I played America's Army, I used them quite a lot), my thought is that combat hand signals don't really fit into a civilian game like DayZ. I thought about it when the first gestures were introduced. You don't spawn with sunglasses and sunglasses break - so, you won't always have sunglasses. Clearly having something that works without sunglasses would be nice, even if you lose the advantage of being able to walk while blocking the sun. So, yes, there should be both. My personal opinion, since they've got gestures working pretty well, is that this would be easier to accomplish. And when they get sunglasses working, then put those in.
  10. entspeak

    Gesture to block the sun.

    I do understand that you can't currently move while performing gestures. Again, I'm not making a suggestion that would be instead of something like working sunglasses or visors or anything like that. I'm simply suggesting a gesture to block out the sun. So, you can crouch in a bush, stand by a tree or simply be in a field and scan the area while blocking out the sun while blocking the sun with your hand.
  11. entspeak

    Gesture to block the sun.

    Great. Sunglasses. Fantastic. I'd love to have working sunglasses, too. As fantastic as it would be to have them work, this thread isn't about sunglasses. If you search this forum, you will see at least one thread dealing with sunglasses. Which is why I didn't include them in this topic... It's already covered. As for the gesture, I'm suggesting, I'm not sure the salute will work as it brings your hand to close and to high above your eyes. I was thinking of something similar to this: http://sr.photos2.fotosearch.com/bthumb/PHT/PHT174/PAA174000078.jpg
  12. entspeak

    Gesture to block the sun.

    I think having both would be awesome and having working sunglasses has been mentioned before, I believe. I do think there might be much more involved in getting the sunglasses to work. As a note, you can already block the sun if you raise your axe... The handle covers the middle of your view, though.
  13. entspeak

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    I think the sounds are slightly off sync. The axe, for instance, has the swoosh on the upswing when it should be on the downswing.
  14. entspeak

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    In Experimental yesterday, found the sewing kit and fixed my shirt. And also found a brown cowboy hat. Looks awesome! Great work!
  15. Personally, I'd like to see it doubled... but it's just testing, so. It could change at any time.
  16. As far as I know, the only building that has been made to work with the zombies is the Hospital. This is not a fix the zombies issue, it's a fix the buildings issue and will take time. They are focusing on other issues first.
  17. entspeak

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    Says very clearly in the warning that loot balance is off. There was also an announcement before the alpha was released. You can't moan about something you were warned about beforehand.
  18. entspeak

    View compass with flashlight

    Not everything possible in real life will be possible in the game.
  19. entspeak

    View compass with flashlight

    You can't hold two items at the same time. You can drop your flashlight and leave it on - at your own risk in an alpha. While the headlamp definitely does need fixing, you can free look to see te compass with it.
  20. entspeak

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    The game, completely unoptimized, runs better than the mod, there is more complex systems than exist in the mod, there are things you can do in this that you can't in the mod (sprint and swing an axe, for example). There are definitely things that need to be worked on, but in some ways it's better than the mod. And, for an early access alpha rebuilt rather than cut and pasted from the mod, it's in good shape. Not to say there aren't serious issues, but the devs know this and warned about it at the time of release... so, caveat emptor... you were warned.
  21. I didn't think that would change. With the ability to load up really easy along the coast, the newspawn KOS'ers have it easy. The alpha currently doesn't have loot balance and that is just the known state of the alpha and we'll all have to adjust for the meantime. Chances are, this won't change much. Those people who want to kill on sight will do so.
  22. entspeak

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    I noticed that the guy in the most recent video seems to be a lefty... is this an indication that, perhaps, there will be "handed-ness" as an option in the game? Or was that just the way everyone will hold an axe?
  23. entspeak

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    I recall someone asking rocket this at a conference. I believe he said he loved the idea, but it would be really difficult to animate - essentially, they'd have to mo-cap a horse.
  24. entspeak

    Self Blood Bags

    I like the idea of requiring that it be drawn. People could have their blood type randomly selected for each life - it could be stated in the journal. You'd get a new blood type after you die. I also think it should take much longer to do - a couple of minutes at least. Generally, I'm against bloodbags, but the way they're heading with them is interesting.
  25. entspeak

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Zeds spawn along the large power lines... and there are the infected camps, so, maybe it was one of those situations.