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Everything posted by entspeak

  1. entspeak

    Forum suggestion - changelogs and patch info.

    What sort of feedback are you referring to? Bugs have the feedback site linked to in the bugs forum. General thoughts about the build would go in the general discussion forum and suggestions would go in the suggestions forum. People start their own threads as it is. Locking down the changelog thread keeps it uncluttered and easier to track what's happening with the build.
  2. And, I've started a thread so that this can be discussed without adding to the number of pages in the changelog thread. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180032-forum-suggestion-changelogs-and-patch-info/
  3. Pfft... *grumble, grumble*... I got your "pfft" right *grumble, grumble*. *kicks the dirt*... Tell me to *grumble, grumble*, I'll tell you *grumble, grumble*. ;)
  4. How is it more efficient to spend time giving ETA's or communicate more often and more consistently with the community about how progress is going on a particular issue - especially when it's clear the community takes any tidbit as an excuse to bug for more? It's actually less efficient and a complete waste of time. The more and earlier information given, the more likely it is to change before it can be implemented, the more likely there will be a storm of people complaining that they were lied to. So, it doesn't help efficiency and it only makes matters worse in the end. How is that not apparent to anyone who reads reddit, the steam discussions or these forums? People ask for an inch and then expect a mile. Efficiency would be to release a patch with a changelog, players report issues on that patch to the bug tracker, devs look to the bug tracker for issues that need to be fixed... rinse, repeat. That would be efficient. Anything more than that is, inherently, inefficient and is done because the devs choose to share more than they have to.
  5. How does an ETA for fixes help you report issues? If a fix is in the changelog when the patch is released, and you are still experiencing that issue, you can report it as a conintuing issue. Until then, an ETA does absolutely nothing. You want to help people out by giving them an ETA that have already been announced? How is that necessary enough to warrant them announcing ETA's? You simply want an inside look at development that goes far beyond what this is supposed to be. They aren't obligated to give it to you, nor does it really help them to give it to you... it's completely one-sided: you get to know something. And, frankly, giving you an ETA or letting you know how they're going about fixing a bug shouldn't be a priority.
  6. And this is an example of someone who feels they are owed something they simply aren't. Early Access doesn't mean the devs are obligated to let you know how development is more than they are now. It means you are able to provide feedback on an unfinished game as development proceeds. You are allowed a voice on how the game may develop... you aren't owed up-to-date information on what's being developed, what bugs are being addressed before a patch is released, or in depth plans on future development. On, other early access games, you don't get nearly as much direct communication from the devs as on DayZ - so, be thankful for the information you do get and don't whine that you're not getting more. Play the game, give feedback (on the developments in the game and not how the devs go about their jobs)... that's it. If you can't deal with that arrangement, my feeling is that you probably shouldn't have purchased the game. I mean, really - communication shouldn't be at the whim of a dev? Really? Some people really need to get over themselves. They don't have to tell you anything. They could simply release a patch and a changelog, and limit reporting to the feedback site. The fact that they do more than that is a bonus.
  7. You are right about the scope... yes, it's the ACOG for the m4 and the long range for the mosin. And to be clear, Rocket did not say the have a viable exp-patch/hotfix/version preparing for deployment before the next scheduled maintenance. He said the moment they have one to deploy to stable, they will do an unscheduled update and will not wait for a scheduled maintenance. That could be tomorrow, it could be this weekend, it could be any day next week or the week after, et cetera. There was no timeline given - he just said they wouldn't wait to deliver it once it was ready.
  8. The long range scope is a sniper scope and has some zoom on it... it only fits the M4 and the Mosin... Maybe it'll fit the Sporter, I don't know. But scopes can be hard to find for anyone. Took me a few days to find an unbroken PU scope for my SKS... didn't see a long range scope in all that time. Mostly came across M4 short range optics. Finally, after about a week, I managed to find optics for my pistol, which is nice. I'm currently running with the FNX45, SKS and an Amphibia S... which, it turns out, is really good at taking out zeds at 20-30m or so if they haven't spotted you yet - 1 shot to the head.
  9. It is nice to have FoV control in game, though... rather than have to edit it in the configs (as it was with the mod). The issue with the "aiming" view was brought up by Sacriel during one of his streams that Rocket was participating in. Sacriel made the suggestion that going into "aiming" view should automatically revert the FoV to default so that the mil dots on scopes would be standard for everyone. Rocket thought that was a great idea... so, we'll see if that makes it into the game.
  10. But, I'm so trustworthy, though. I got a degree in trust from Trust U.
  11. Yep. For all the whining about not having a stable release, trust me... you don't want the current Exp to be released as stable.
  12. Not true. There have been periods during this development where the build went stable and the experimental and stable branches have been the same for a week at least. And there will likely be more exp updates before a stable is released.People will moan, but updates will come when they come. And, while we are testing the game, there is no obligation to tell you anything other than what they state in the warning. We paid for early access... this is what that is. It's like this for other games in early access, too. I've got a couple of other early access games and it's the same thing - things get fixed when they get fixed... sometimes new content comes in before bugs are fixed. Why is it believed that this game should be any different? I think it's because this game existed already as a mod... so, in many ways, this is feels like starting over, ironically - much like dying in DayZ. That may be it for some people. Others just feel they are owed more than they actually are. These people should've paid more attention prior to release of the alpha... Rocket was saying that most people probably shouldn't buy during early access for the very reasons people are whining now. If these people bought anyway, this is their own problem. Edited to add: the animal meat configs and models may only have been added to the code, but not activated. You're not going to find animal food simply lying around. Until the animals and hunting features are activated, you won't see the meat.
  13. Or... it's a public alpha... like most early access games on steam. Yes, typically alphas are only used for internal testing, that happens not to be the case here or in other early access games...
  14. You're probably going to have to get the headshot to get a one-shot kill. In the mod, the zeds took multiple 9mm rounds to go down if you didn't get a headshot and the .22 is lower caliber round.
  15. I don't know what the coordinates for Bor are, but it's the town immediately north of the coastal town of Komarovo, near Balota.
  16. Or you were hit by a zombie below you. As far as I know, the zeds can't go up those stairs yet.
  17. If they haven't figured the bug out yet, why give a timeframe?
  18. You won't. You won't be able to play with that character in Experimental, but when you switch to Stable, your old character will still be there. It is possible to have 4 different characters: Stable - 1 regular, 1 hardcore; Experimental - 1 regular, 1 hardcore. They are all on different hives.
  19. No stable today. Important bugs need to be fixed first. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/78861344968/weekly-report-smashing-bugs-for-0-37 This is a good thing. Nobody wants to deal with invisible players and zombies. And... if you want, you can always try out the experimental branch.
  20. The things in the devblog are things they are working on right now in-house. This doesn't mean they all will end up in experimental tomorrow; some may make it in, others may not. I'm hoping hunting is coming in... I just found a cooking pot and am on the hunt for a gas stove. I'm also interested in seeing what the detrimental effects of rain will be. I just spent a few hours on one of those stormy DayZ days and got soaked constantly. Life is going to get really hard once getting wet begins to damage soft gear (paper, matches, bags of rice) and making you sick. For the folks on stable, the biggest shift coming for you guys tomorrow will be how melee is handled. Not being able to swing from the lowered stance takes a little getting used to; but, once you do, it becomes second nature.
  21. I don't enter or leave a building without checking my surroundings first. I also don't stand right in front of the door to close it. Takes a bit of practice, but most doors I can close fairly quickly... gates, however... gates are a pain in the butt. I also only play Hardcore... this prevents someone from seeing me without the strong possibility that I can see them, too.
  22. More importantly to me, it slows them down. They will be busy looting the buildings I've already looted rather than simply running by them. Other players wasting time searching looted buildings = more time for me to loot unsearched ones. Because what do players do when they come across a building with closed doors? They search it. It also makes it easier for me to leave town unnoticed... because while they're busy searching buildings for loot, they aren't looking for me.
  23. Yep. I do. And, I close doors to rooms when I leave them.
  24. I close the doors when I go someplace; I don't leave them open for someone else to just run by thinking the building's already been looted.
  25. There are experimental hardcore servers in the US, in Europe (UK, DE, SE, FR) and also in Australia, I believe. It's always been that way. Now, they've added even more servers.