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Everything posted by entspeak

  1. entspeak

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Yeah. I'm sure it's incredibly fluid internally. Just trying to gauge the fluidity of the experimental patch.
  2. entspeak

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Ah, so it's not been such a fluid month, then. Just checking. I'm looking forward to the update.
  3. entspeak

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I've been playing stable for a bit. Have there been a lot of updates to experimental in the last month?
  4. I'm 43 and I don't share that outlook.
  5. It won't require recreating a new mesh for the entire map, no. I don't know much about navmeshes, either, but I do know that they are breaking the map into sections; so, at worst, they'd only have to fix the mesh for whatever section the new area is in.
  6. entspeak

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Yeah, if you read the description of the Experimental Patch Discussion forum, they mention tht they don't do patch notes for experimental.
  7. entspeak

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I agree about zombie hits. There was a reason why it was not fixable in the mod, but I'm not sure why it works the way it does in the SA. I'm not sure if it's lag or what. Sometimes, I can dodge a blow by moving aside, but if I'm backing up, they can hit from a pretty large distance away. The way I've adapted is to close the distance and circle them... takes some practice, but I can kill a zed with a splitting axe without getting hit most times. As for the number of hits, you have to remember that moving affects your accuracy and that the melee hits along the arc of the swing, so while you may think you have a headshot, you might not. It's now more important to take zeds out while they can't see you. As for zombies seeing you, unless they changed it from experimental to stable, zombie sight feels better balanced - though still needs the work they are doing on it. You have to remember movement stance and speed impact if you will be seen. I see so many people jetting around and they're surprised they get spotted. Also, if you're running, you're making a lot of noise.
  8. Started playing the latest experimental build and love the addition of the ability to get wet... don't know how it affects things, yet, but it's a cool addition. (Imagine needing to eat more often because you need the energy to keep your body warm). I know the new alert system for getting wet is a test - possibly a placeholder; this is just an idea. Since things like hiding out in a tree can keep you dry (why, I don't know)... the getting wet status changes quite a often. What if there was a new sound added when you were getting wet - the sound of the rain hitting you. This way, you'd be able to know if you were getting wet without the need for any visual cue.
  9. entspeak

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    Actually, I've never played it, I just assumed it was a public hive thing like DayZ. So, I'm likely absolutely wrong about how the "player controlled area" will work... lol.
  10. entspeak

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    I'm hoping it will be architecturally based rather than a radius. Especially for places like te apartment buildings. You don't want someone to be able to block you from controlling one apartment because they control the next apartment over. But, yeah, we'll have to wait and see. My guess is that it will be, at least in part, based on the Rust model.
  11. entspeak

    Persistand Objects...

    They will eventually add a system for dealing with spawn in "player controlled areas" feature - this is mentioned in the roadmap. This will prevent server hopping behind barricades. As I understand it, though barricading will be added before the "player controlled areas" feature. This is one instance where I wish they would hold off on a feature. Barricading without the ability to prevent server-hopping past it will make barricading only useful for griefing. The only place it will work properly will be on a single server private hive.
  12. entspeak

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    Don't know of this has been mentioned yet... On my phone, so hard to navigate all the pages. Rocket mentioned spawning in "player controlled areas." This will do two things: prevent server hopping to bypass a barricade and respawning inside your area when you die. As I understand it, though barricading will be added before player controlled areas and I'm not sure if it goes in before private hives. Either way, on public servers, barricading won't provide protection until they add player controlled areas.
  13. entspeak

    Zed sight and hearing...

    I know that zed AI is a work in progress, we aren't seeing the zeds that will be in the final game and there are other issues like zombie pathing in buildings that need to be worked out, so this is not a suggestion on how to make the game work now, but an idea for how, possibly, to proceed and provide an interesting dynamic with zed encounters, allow for stealth, and have serious consequences for recklessness - aspects of survival. I originally brought this idea up a while ago with the mod and there were serious limitations with this because of the limitations of the Arma engine to which the mod was bound. Not long before SA was released, however, the devs for the mod made huge leaps in Zed AI that were very similar to these ideas (see Zed behavior in 1.8.1). My hope is that the Standalone brings more flexibility when it comes to Zed AI. So, this idea hinges upon a fundamental premise (to which there is one exception): Zeds react differently to sound than they do to sight and they don't aggro unless they see a target. With that in mind, here are ideas for the various ways zeds interact with their environment. Sight: Zeds should have fairly poor vision compared to players - maybe 100m with a 40 degree FOV. Now, these zeds are different from the ones in the mod in that they no longer simply see straight ahead... if they turn their head, they may see you (at least, that's what I've been told, perhaps a dev can confirm this). So, this that if they look around, they will see more around them. In reality sight works like a cone: narrower closer to the face, wider as it spreads outward from the face up to the limit of vision. Most humans have good peripheral vision, so our FoV is roughly 190 degrees (95 degrees to the sides out of each eye). With a FoV of 40 degrees, however, zeds will basically have tunnel vision. The conical nature of it however, means you will be spotted if you are 10m off to the right of a zed at a distance, but you will not be seen if you are 10m off to the right of a zed close up. If a player is in the Line of Sight of a zed, the zed should target him... even if the zed was aggro'd by something else. If a zed loses Line of Sight, it will continue to aggro toward the location at which it lost LoS and begin a slow search for a minute. If it doesn't see a player... any player, it forgets what it was going after and resuming it's unalerted status. At night, the distance a zed can see should be drastically reduced (if possible, based on the amount of light available). It would be awesome if shining flashlights, flares, fires, etc... would increase the distance a zed could see.Sound: Going with the premise that zeds only aggro based on what they can see, how they react to sound will add an incredible amount of dynamics to zed interaction and give players lots of ways of dealing with them. The exception to the premise: only very loud sounds should immediately aggro zeds. What the devs in the mod were able to do is to create ranges at which weapons would aggro zeds and ranges at which it would simply get them to walk toward the sound slowly. I think the SA can build upon this idea. and this can be different for different kinds of weapons. So, each kind of ammo (since, I understand audible range is based on ammo type and not weapon type) will have three zed related sound distances: the distance at which a zed will definitely aggro, the distance at which it will only become aware and walk slowly toward the sound, and the distance at which it hears nothing. Zeds aggroing based on sound should run toward the sound for a minute (or until they reach the point at which the sound occurred). If no players come into their Line of Sight during that time, they do the short search and then forget what they were doing and return to their unalerted status. Going with the premise and its exception, the same sort of idea can be applied to other sounds a player makes: footfalls, direct chat and wounded/sick noises. I think it would be obvious that in order to instantly aggro a zed with footfalls and voice, you'd have to be pretty much right next to it... so, what should happen more often than not is that loud running and talking should, at most, only cause a zed to become interested and walk toward the location it hears the sound... of course following all the rules for sight mentioned above. Of course, the distance at which zeds are alerted can be based on movement speed and material that's being run over (cement, grass, carpet, wood floor). What this means is that you can get into trouble pretty quickly if you run right by a zed... running at a distance, may not cause a problem unless you're sprinting on tarmac... and even then, you're going to get a bit of a head start as they slowly turn toward you... and if you duck around a corner, they might not get that chance. Perhaps, at night, as vision is reduced, zed hearing gets slightly better and the distances at which zeds react gets higher.The limitation on sight and its interaction with sound will make for an incredibly dynamic gameplay experience, I think.
  14. entspeak

    Zed sight and hearing...

    I understand that. The post is a suggestion for how the zeds may work in future... not a comment on how they work now.
  15. entspeak

    Zed sight and hearing...

    That's an interesting question. I think zeds should react to other aggroing zeds by slowly turning and walking toward the location that the original zed heard the sound - almost like responding to a call. This falls in line with the fundamental premise of not having zeds aggro unless they see a player. Now, if this responding zed sees a player during that time, it should aggro on that player - even if the player isn't near or didn't make the sound that the original zed responded to. And zombie aggro sound should only be heard or have an effect over a certain distance and would never be loud enough to instantly aggro another zed. This creates another level of dynamic response. With aggro based on sound, this shouldn't come up, really - it may, but it's unlikely; because if one zed is within aggro range and another is not, but still within range to be affected by a zed noise, it's likely already going to be within the range of the original noise to be turning and walking toward it on it's own and wouldn't be responding to the zed, but, rather to the original noise. Where this will definitely come into play is with aggro based on sight. If a player aggro's one zombie, other zeds within hearing distance of that zombie's call will slowly turn and walk toward the position the other zed is heading, but only aggro if they see a player - even if that player isn't the one the original zed is targeting. It's like the other zeds in the area go... "hey, this zombie is on to something... it may be food." So, the fascinating thing is that it could have a domino effect.
  16. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Welcome to the DayZ Mod Zombie Whining: Standalone edition. It's primarily a zombie game. The current zombie respawn mechanic was added as a placeholder because the community bitched that the zombies didn't respawn. Now they are too hard because of the respawn. Look people, Rocket basically TOLD people not to buy the game at this stage. You have to be prepared to not have a good gaming experience at this stage because it is a work in progress. Yes, they glitch through walls... temporary solution? Don't go into a building and then be stupid and run around making a lot of noise or pop your head up in front of windows, or run around straight up on the roof. Duh! They cannot see through walls when they aren't aggro'd. If you aggro a zed while in-doors, get the hell out and deal with them outside. Duh! And if you don't like the fact that zombies hear your gunfire, go play some other game, because that's been a part of DayZ from the get go and it ain't goin' nowhere. So, to sum up: Grow a pair. Play the game that's there, realize it's a work in progress and adapt. That's what survival is all about. All this complaint about zeds gave me an idea. I actually suicided my Stable character and started fresh - the aim: to survive along the coast with no weapons. Result so far? A couple hours of intense gameplay and I'm energized, hydrated and stuffed with a backpack containing cans of beans I can't open yet. I almost starved, but didn't. And this was on as full a server as I could get in Hardcore that wasn't already full - 28/40. I saw one player and heard some others firing m4's. None of them saw me. I had 5 zeds on me at one point in the town of Solni. Scary as hell and a lot of fun! Man up, people... man up.
  17. entspeak

    What should be a zombie in DAYZ

    Zombie, in this case, refers to something under the control of something else - much like voodoo zombies were under the control of witch doctors. So, it's a looser use of the word, but not a usage without precedent. There are references now to zombifying parasites like Toxoplasma gondii and Cordyceps fungi (the basis for the zombies in The Last of Us). These parasites take control of the body in some way. Toxoplasma gondii is believed to be a cause of schizophrenia and Rocket has mentioned it specifically when it comes to DayZ. He hasn't said it is Toxoplasmosis, but said it may be something along those lines. So, the zombies in DayZ are the result of either a zombifying parasite or virus. Survivors are said to be immune - which is why you don't turn when you die.
  18. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Zombie respawn is a placeholder at the moment. It will be changing. If you want to set the game aside to wait for the actual respawn mechanic to be implemented, that's fair. Me, I'd learn to adapt and turn a disadvantage to an advantage. If you shoot a zed, the other zeds and the respawning zeds will head to the location of the shot. I see an opportunity in that.He name of the game in a survival horror game is adaptation and thinking outside the box. The game works with many types of gameplay, but not all, and some forms of gameplay are riskier than others. It's all about figuring out how to approach the game rather than asking the game to change to match your style of gameplay.
  19. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Leg pain is leg pain. I've received arm pain messages. I think these are just test messages for something not implemented entirely, yet. I would pay those no mind because painkillers don't work yet. You'll know it's broken when you get the fractured status.Bandage thing could've been lag. I'd report the memory leak on the feedback page.
  20. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    As it was explained to me, it's not the zeds, it's the buildings. Every building needs to be configured for zeds. You'll notice that zeds can't see you through walls unless they're targeting you - they may hear you or see you through a window, but they can't see you through walls when they aren't targeting you. The only building that has "officially" been configured for zombies is the hospital (as in, they said it has), others may have been done since then. But, it's not an easy fix and it's not a fix of the zeds, it requires a fix of every building on the map.
  21. entspeak


    Yeah... wearing a ghillie should have a definite downside or it becomes OP. I hope they only add craftable half-ghillie's and not pre-made military ghillie suits.
  22. entspeak

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    They likely won't add fatigue in that way. What they can do (and may be planning to do at some point) is have energy burn-off rate be dependent on movement speed. If you run, you're going to be hungrier and thirstier sooner and you will burn off energy faster... worse so if you sprint. At the moment, there's really no difference between walking, running and sprinting in terms of food/water/energy burn. I hope they eventually add equipment weight to that, as well. Of course, the nutrition system appears to have been re-vamped again in the latest build... at least the starting values as a new spawn... so, who knows?
  23. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I think the ambient audio thing is still there, so you're going to hear zombies that aren't there. It's usually a rabbit hanging about making noises no rabbit should make. I've heard people reloading, people eating, zombies where there are none. If that bug is still in there, then that's what's causing the noises. I only played a couple of times this build and have only teleported once (and it helped me lose a zed on my tail), but haven't had any other problems with desync, yet. My experience so far has been much better in terms of desync and rubberbanding than in earlier builds. I can open doors nice and smoothly, haven't had a problem with weapons. But that's only my experience.
  24. entspeak

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    If you're firing on zeds, you're asking for trouble. If you're using melee, just learn how better to do it. I've taken on 3 zeds at once in the latest build and, yes, started bleeding, but I killed them, went for cover and then bandaged. If you bandage out in the open where new spawned zeds can see you, you are begging to bleed again. Use your noggin, people. Preventing zeds from going through walls is not an easy fix, but will occur on a building by building basis. At release, the only building configured for zeds was the hospital, more buildings have been reconfigured since. It will eventually get better. That said... they can't see you through interior walls unless you've aggro'd them. So, stop sprinting around everywhere and making a ton of noise. Stop walking straight up in front of windows. You'll find you aggro them less. One of the keys to this game is situational awareness. So, be aware... if you hear a zed groaning outside, maybe not so good to run around on hardwood floors.
  25. I use SHIFT to run and CTRL for fast forward so that if I want to shift from a run to a sprint, I just lay my finger down. Virtually all the keys can be re-bound, so you're not stuck with double tapping. I'm not sure how speech recognition works with games, but would you be able to create a sprinting macro so that you could simply say, "sprint" and it would do the double tap automatically?