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Everything posted by entspeak
The crossbow has two small prongs at the end pointed at an angle inward. If you extend imaginary lines straight up and inward along those prongs, where they cross above the crossbow's center line is where the bolt hits. Here's what you can do to sort of "zero" the crossbow: point it at a wall that has a straight horizontal line on it, lining up the top of the crossbow in first person-zoomed, with the horizontal line on the wall. Fire your bolt at the wall. It will leave a black mark. Line the top of the crossbow up with the horizontal line again with the black mark above the center line and that mark is your aim point. Takes a bit of getting used to, but eventually you can get the hang of it. I do wish the crossbow had a scope... or, at the very least, a pin sight at the end. I agree, it should be extended to about 50m - that's the range of most compound crossbows IRL. The crossbow is my M9SD for Dayz 2017, if you can get the aiming down, you rarely have to worry about finding bolts. I usually run with 4 (in case I lose some). Headshots will get you the bolt back every time - unless the zed falls into a wall or other object. I've even recovered some that missed.________________________________ As for what people have said about zombies, I still don't see what the big deal is. Yes, the vehicle issue should be fixed and I wish the zombies couldn't glitch through walls... and maybe the instant spawn - but I don't see a horde forming if I use a hatchet. Perhaps, the visual range should be adjusted - I haven't really had a problem with this yet... they still can't sense me behind them until I'm close enough to kill them, so I just work the angles, and deal with the zombies that I believe will aggro before they do. I've been killed by zombies once since the update and that was when I was testing the claim that they can hear direct chat... which just isn't true, by the way. And the only reason I died was because I had a keyboard issue where I couldn't move forward, so I got pounded. The new zombies require different tactics, is all... I'm glad it's gotten back to being a zombie survival game.
Also, if you're fixing the Little Bird, you have to fix the missiles with scrap metal or it leaks, even if everything else is fixed... of course, it doesn't actually have missiles, but, there ya go.
Playing Dayz 2017 on its release day, I got knocked down with a broken leg from a Lee Enfield shot. I was completely unarmed. As the guy retreated from the resulting aggro, I crawled behind a wall... and worked my way along it. Finally, as I got close to a hole in the wall, I heard crawling and I froze. I thought it was a zombie, but then I saw the guy with the Enfield crawling through my exit route. Thankfully, the dirty gray 2017 soldier camo skin and the dirty gray "college" pack must've made me look like a pile of rocks, a dead zombie, or one of those dead soldiers you see lying about because he crawled 1 meter to my left... crouched, looked around and then walked passed me, back the way I'd come. When he was far enough away, I continued through the hole in the wall and waited for him to leave. Second luckiest thing - which just happened a couple of days ago, was finding a fresh spawned Little Bird near the factory in Cherno my first time on a particular private server. It was night and nobody else was on, so I spent a couple hours fixing and fueling it up, armed only with a hatchet (take that zombies!), flew to Stary, NWAF and Vybor; got a Coyote pack, Ghillie Suit, and an M14... and then stashed the heli in a good spot. I still have it. :)
I'm free.
Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?
entspeak replied to Diz (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I've used a gun to distract zombies before... of course, you should plan on doing this before you head to where you need to be. I've fired off a rifle, ran around some buildings to make sure they don't have - or keep - line of sight on me... and they just go right by. Then I head out to where I need to go. You can go stealth. Use a stealth weapon and you won't get the constant onslaught of zombies. I just spent a few hours fixing up a Little Bird I found in Cherno on a private server. It needed everything. I completely fixed it, including the glass. All by my lonesome, just me and the zeds... getting aggro with every repair and on most of the refueling until there were no more in the area. Just me and my hatchet. Granted it was night and this helped, but night time doesn't hurt their hearing and when they hear you, they suddenly see you, too. Clearing the close vicinity of zombies with the hatchet before repairing an item helped. And, if I saw a zombie I knew might aggro when I did the repair, I took it out before doing the repair. If I figured a zombie was going to end up in the path I needed to take to a particular building, I took it out before it became a problem. Once the heli was fixed and refueled, I flew to Stary and cleared that out... getting my M14 and coyote backpack. Then I hit the NWAF, cleared that out. Then Vybor - where I picked up a crossbow... and then off home to log off. I took some hits, but found that if I did a "stick and move" - pulling back just after I swing, the zeds either missed or I didn't get hit too hard. I particularly enjoyed taking out 3 closely grouped zeds with the hatchet - bing, bang, boom... it was over in a second or so. I also enjoyed the Bonzai!! run right at a zombie and Chop! I'm having a hard time accessing the leaderboard, so I can't tell you how many I killed, but it was quite a few. Even during the day... best way to deal with zombies is to work outside their peripheral vision and, if you see a potential problem with a zombie in your way, take care of it before it aggros. I will walk behind a zombie until I'm close enough to hack it in 1st person, zoomed. And, walking behind them, you can get that close even during the day. I agree to some extent about the hearing... a zed shouldn't be able to hear you eating or refueling (well, maybe refueling if they are really close)... neither of these activities is particularly loud. But, guns should set them going, in my opinion. -
I agree... direct chat shouldn't affect zombie's... unless some sort of whisper/talk/shout option is created. If we can't control how loud we talk in direct chat, it should just be left alone.
Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?
entspeak replied to Diz (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I will say that the Abort function is either a bit buggy or a bit excessive. I had a red chain "no message for..." thing happen to me just as someone was trying to help me out and I was stuck... couldn't abort because, apparently, you can't abort when you are next to another player - there's an actual message stating that you can't abort next to another player. Have also found instances where nothing is happening around me and I can't abort... no timer, no nothing... the Abort option just dims and I'm stuck. I suppose some clarification should be made for what puts you in combat. One thing to note, aborting has allowed me to survive many a hacker teleport. Being unable to abort because of pretty much anything you do only makes us more susceptible to hacker attacks. I think abort limitations should be only for combat related things: zombie aggro, zombie hits, someone fires near you, someone fires at you (either hitting you or a bullet hits near you). Anything more than that is excessive and unnecessary, in my opinion. -
New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult
entspeak replied to GrassyKnoll's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I find this fascinating. I've been able to walk amongst the zombies with little problem... the occasional aggro which I lose by dodging through trees or around buildings. I don't know what people are talking about. Yes, when they aggro, it can get messy, but that's the game. And, perhaps, it's because I've been playing 2017 where there are zombie hordes, but there seem to be fewer zombies spawning initially. I've always shook my head and laughed at people who unnecessarily shot zombies and, it seems, my time spent learning to avoid aggro in the first place has paid off in 1.7.5... both in my ability to walk through a town or a field with zombies in it and in my ability to lose aggro fairly quickly. Doesn't always work right away, but most of the time it does... and even with 20 zombies surrounding me in a pine tree outside the NWAF barracks, I got out of it unscathed and got the loot in a matter of minutes. My first spawn in was in Elektro... I made it through that town aggro'ing only a couple of zombies...and those I did aggro, I lost by using the buildings and alleyways to cut line of sight. I check corners and out doorways before I go into the streets to check zombie movements and time mine... in other words, I play the game. I laughed when I heard someone fire a DMR nearby while I was in the restaurant/hotel and then I left town - since I only had an axe and a Makarov with no ammo. I exited the way I entered, circuitously and stealthily. This update is going to require many people to re-think their approach to the zombies and survivial in general in the game... and I like it. As far as the combat timer goes... aggro'ing zombies indicates to other players where you are. And, I've always felt logging out to avoid zombie aggro was a bit lame anyway. And, personally, I'm thankful that the icon starts flashing when zombies see me. I may not know one has aggro'd and the combat icon let's me know I've been seen and I can ditch the zombie faster if it's seen me from a couple hundred meters away. I can go behind a tree or a building and it will lose interest before it gets to me. Maybe someone should post a tutorial video on good zombie avoidance techniques. -
Can't View Epeen Monitor without Scroll Lock!!!
entspeak replied to zachgibson22's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Since most laptops now have scrolling ability in the trackpads, manufacturers have been getting rid of the Scroll Lock key. My Dell 14r has no scroll lock key function whatsoever. No key combinations I've looked into work - Fn+F5, Fn+Delete, Fn+Num Lock... nada. I even tried a registry fix to assign another key to scroll lock and it doesn't work. As it stands, I had to buy a USB NumPad because Dell also didn't put an alternative NumPad into the keyboard. It's all a part of the New Cruelty. As I understand it, the plan is to add this info to the Diary which will make it an assignable control - hopefully, that'll happen sooner rather than later. For now, I haven't been able to find a way to get the monitor up. -
Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?
entspeak replied to Diz (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You aren't seriously arguing that it was supposed to be balanced in terms of dealing with the zombies and the survival aspect, are you? I know it was supposed to be somewhat balanced with regard to team vs lone wolf play styles, but I don't think it was ever supposed to be balanced with regard to PvP vs zombie apocalypse survival. Perhaps, you could provide some quote from some dev actually saying this? It's a zombie survival game first and foremost... and the PvP stems from THAT gameplay it doesn't exist alongside it as a separate form of gameplay against which the zombie survival aspect should be balanced. -
New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult
entspeak replied to GrassyKnoll's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I agree with almost nothing in the original post. I love a lot of the new update. I walked through Elektro during the daytime and aggro'd one or two zeds. Three words: Line Of Sight. While they may be able to see farther, they still have the same peripheral vision. You have to work the angles. Another three words: Plan Your Path. The old ways I learned for avoiding and ditching zombie aggro without firing a shot still work with only some minor adjustments. I do find myself killing more zombies, but use a crossbow, silenced weapon or a hatchet (hint: hatchet in first person or zoomed in works best). If I have no access to any of those, I have to take a much more careful approach to getting loot. The trees can still help you not get hit, but you can, rightly, still be seen. When I had twenty zombies surround me in a tree, I sprinted out into another tree, rinse repeat... and ended up with only a couple of stragglers that I ditched behind a building. Line of sight still works as a way of getting them to lose interest. In an open field with few trees and tall bushes, it's going to be more difficult, obviously, but hey... c'est la vie. This update brought zombies back into the gameplay and I love that - it being a zombie survival game and all. One thing I will agree with, in part, is about blood bag infection and heroes: maybe, if you're a hero, the chance of infection from the blood bag your using goes down significantly or doesn't exist at all. -
I like the SMK animations and the combat roll there is much more along the lines of what it should be. The wall climbing there is a good idea, but the animation looks off. I'd like to see a hurdle jump instead of the current combat roll as a way to get over small fences and the like. A hurdle jump is not so much about height as it is about getting your legs over, so it's not like the jumping you have in CS. It wouldn't really help you out in a sniper situation unless they were going for your legs.
Chopper crash? How does it work now?
entspeak replied to Minamo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Great! Makes the rare high end military loot much more of a prize. The admins would know if the server had no crashes spawning at all. If they see no crashes spawning, then it's likely a glitch. It may be that a crash spawned in a location you'd already searched earlier. I do think a heli crash spawn should be accompanied by the sound of a heli crash. This would give people in the vicinity (maybe a 1.5km radius) a clue as to where some new loot is available... and, it could make for some interesting player interactions over that loot. But, I'm glad they don't all spawn at the start... keeps the folks with the heli from grabbing up all the goods at restart. -
I'd much rather see a hurdle jump than a roll. If you're walking, you scissor vault; if you're running, you do the hurdle jump. The problem I've noticed with the roll is that you stop for a second after jogging out of the roll and your weapon is down. There needs to be a better transition back into running. A roll would be great for ducking for cover - roll, end up in a crouch with your weapon up.
I love some of the new improvements! Zeds spawning when in vehicles is particularly unnerving when you're on a bicycle. I'm definitely going to have to be more careful when stopping on an ATV, moto or bike since they would be able to pull me off it easily. I also love that pine trees - while keeping them from hitting you, doesn't make them disinterested in you. I aggro'd a ton of zombies at the NWAF and was in a pine with a good 10-15 zombies surrounding me. I killed some, which only made it worse... and finally, had to sprint out of the tree. It definitely requires a shift in tactics when it comes to dealing with zombies and I find myself having to kill more of them to survive - which is great. Love the new icons. Do wish the epeen monitor wasn't assigned to the Scroll Lock key. My laptop doesn't have one and my attempts to reassign it to another key via Windows have failed. I understand that the aim may be to have it in the diary - which will make it an assignable control, so perhaps, I'll have to wait for that. Love the new backpacks. I like the combat roll, but I wish I didn't come to a complete stop and stand for a second before shifting back to running. I love the heli crashes not all showing up at restart. What would be fantastic, though, would be if, when they spawned, the sound of a helicopter crashing could be heard - maybe slightly louder than when a playable heli crashes (1-1.5km radius?)... so anyone in the vicinity will have a hint that some cool loot may be nearby. The only thing that concerns me so far is the quantity of zombies that spawn initially... is it me or are there fewer? Perhaps, I've been playing 2017 long enough to where the larger number of zeds seem normal to me. Deer stands normally have 3-4 zombies and now seem to only have 1... though, I liked seeing one spawn in the deerstand as opposed to under it. Those are my thoughts after playing for a bit. I haven't had a chance to experience all of the changes yet, but, based on what I have, it's a great update.
- What's up with the low ammo drops
entspeak replied to lorneagle's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This is not your mother's zombie apocalypse. -
v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]
entspeak replied to Dayzo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Exactly... this is work done for free, so... suggest, don't whine... and it's been a season of big holidays since the last patch, so, please, give the man a break on the "when will it be out?..." -
v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]
entspeak replied to Dayzo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
And, it's being done. Perhaps, not quite where I or you feel it should be yet, but still. As a lone wolf player, myself, I'd be happy if they brought back the inability to regain blood from cooked meat for an hour if a player could only receive a blood bag once an hour. Getting full blood back right away would also run the risk of infection, so... that would balance it out. Imagine getting a transfusion only to discover that your blood is slowly dropping back down again and you're now calling attention to yourself with coughing. But, having someone get shot and run over to where his buddy is hiding to receive a transfusion, get shot again, run over to another buddy and get a transfusion is just as unrealistic as spamming cooked meat behind a tree. The blunt axe and knife thing makes little sense to me, but having matches fail makes sense and I wish they would also give boxes of matches a fixed amount of uses - as there are only so many matches in a box. -
v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]
entspeak replied to Dayzo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Nice changes. One suggestion I'd make... go for not being able to give the same person a blood bag for half an hour. This would still retain the benefit of a blood bag over meat (full blood restored vs partial), but limits the ability of squads to quickly replenish after a firefight (one blood bag during and another after). This also takes into consideration the random chance of infection (otherwise, I would've suggested an hour - lol). And, there would still be the benefit of being in a larger group because you can receive blood from multiple players. -
v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]
entspeak replied to Dayzo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
As a lone wolf player, I can see how - without some balancing with regard to blood bags - not solve the problem of KoS, but only exacerbate it in favor of squads who don't need food for blood and, for the most part, only eat to stop the hunger indicator from flashing. I can think of a few things could happen with blood bags that would help balance this out: Give them a big chance of failure - survivors aren't meant to be professional phlebotomists, are they? When they do work give them a small chance of not fully restoring blood - like some blood spilled out. Give them a small chance of making someone sick. Limit the ability to receive a transfusion to once an hour. In real life a transfusion itself takes about an hour and you can't just keep getting more right away. This would force squads to use food for blood regeneration and be subject to its limitation. I love failing matches - I'd love it even more if matches only worked, say, 20 times before needing to be replaced. I don't quite understand failing hunting knives and hatchets, though. How does one fail to cut branches off a tree for fire wood? It's not like you need logs. I love the work going into the mod and, for the most part, like the change to the food system. It's a step in the right direction. -
I play the vanilla mod, Dayz+ and Dayz 2017. I like them all for different reasons.
Are the devtest servers no longer devtesting? I hadn't been on in a while due to trying out new mods and then some computer malfunctions, but I was hoping to help test out 1.7.5. And, now I can't even find SE2. Are these no longer testing servers?
Does being shot put one "In Combat?" I had what I thought was a hacker experience, but it may have turned out to be a really good sniper from a long distance, I don't know. Though, if it was truly a sniper, I have no idea where they could've been to have line of sight on me at such a distance that I wouldn't hear the weapon. I was on a public server, and there was some discussion going on about a couple of players who may have been spawning hacked weapons into the game. A few minutes later, I'm running out of a farm building in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and, suddenly, with no sound whatsoever, my screen goes grey for a moment. I think, "that's weird." And then suddenly my leg is broken and I start bleeding. My combat indicator is still green. And then, it happens again, no sound whatsoever, grey screen and I'm now falling to the ground. My combat indicator was green, so I'm thinking it's a hacker and log out before I die. I know that they removed the bullet proximity "in combat" detection so if someone fired from a distance and it only hit near me, I wouldn't go "in combat", but I thought if they hit you it would. Am I right in that assumption?
I'm much more interested in knowing, regardless of the sound issue, if you get hit by a bullet, does it put you in combat?
Regardless of what the wiki says about audible range, you can hear the guns well beyond the audible range. The CCO SD, for example, says it has an audible range of 0.1m... yet, someone shot at me with one just the other day from about 20m away and I could hear that silenced "pew, pew" sound loud and clear. I recently saw a video - can't find it at the moment - of a guy being shot from a very long distance with an AS-50... he said he heard, and you could hear it in the video, the muffled as-50 pop from a distance... a few moments of silence and then he falls dead. And, I didn't see or hear any bullets flying near me - no puffs in the dirt around me, no whirrs of bullets or even the thud of it hitting me. I believe that with they removed the bullet proximity portion of the combat detection because they were having problems with tracking the bullets. But, the change log doesn't mention anything about going into combat when hit by a bullet - hence my question.