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About SethM1124

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I like this, but an even better solution to even more problems is to stop server jumping. I doubt that would happen because devs had that idea in mind. If you wanna play on a different server then there should be a limit to maybe 3-4 jumps per day. Just an idea.
  2. SethM1124

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    The thought of it is nice. I mean it could be such a dynamic and immersive world. The only thing that satisfies me knowing that they are working with RVE is because they designed it. The know pretty much all the mechanics and how everything interacts with eachother. Good thought and good post though.
  3. Apparently you did not read the entire post, or probably even any of it for that matter. Thanks to the rest that aren't like this guy.
  4. I have seen some very interesting ideas brought up on here that I can see changing the way the game is played for the good but some seem to be on the intent that changes have to be made to the core game. However, since this game will be standalone then that means that MODS should be available for those looking for a different approach. All I am saying is let the Devs create their vision, what they think the game should be. After all, THEY are the ones that are putting effort into making the game. It's not an easy thing to do and can make you almost feel insane after 3 days straight of Redbull and Ramen Noodles. For what though? For them to check the forum and hear "Insert random complaint here" I can understand people saying there needs to be more security, animation fixes, etc. Things that are obvious, though hearing the constant bitching of irrelevant things such as "The game is too hard/too easy" "Enough with the KOS! you guys need to ban them!" Are you guys kidding me? XD You know, the last major game developers to spoil their fanbase and please everyone's complaints killed the game completely *Cough* *Cough* World of Warcraft *cough*. Just let them do what they want to do with the game, give CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and wait out the major problems until BETA. Now the point of this post (as well as my first post) is not to troll or to criticize people who DO give constructive criticism and put ample time into this forum that actually do something for this part of cyberspace but for those who seem to give relentless tears and don't do anything but complain. I love this game, I love the route in which it is going and understand they have a lot of work to do. Though, others ALSO need to realize that they have a lot of work to do. I know this won't change anything but it's just my 2 cents. Happy posting, and I'm glad to be on this forum even with all the flamboyant tearjerkers. ;)