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Everything posted by Lupatchi

  1. Well, wasteland manages this pretty well. But with standalone (or arma 3 dayz mod sooner) you should be able to find bipods, foregrips etc, sights and shit so snipers with bipods are pretty much gonna be a thing
  2. Lupatchi

    Need help Upgrading my PC build.

    Radeon 7970 3gb graphics card is probably better, if you want a good mother board and have enough money, get a fatality performance. and an SSD can't hurt
  3. Lupatchi

    self blooding

    If you could self bloodbag, than KOS would be a more common thing, as you wouldn't need allies to blood bag you.
  4. Lupatchi

    New Squad 3 Only

    right on than.
  5. Lupatchi

    New Squad 3 Only

    Do you have your own server and/or teamspeak?
  6. Haha, this thread will be hitting the graveyard soon enough for spam anyway so, meh
  7. Now that you have informed everyone, you have ruined everything great about in >< gurrrrrrr. Give it a month and it will be on facebook -.-
  8. Lupatchi

    ARMA 2: Combine ops

    Yes, just get CO its cheaper.
  9. Stop posting the same shit over and over again, if anyone was interested they would have said so the first time. pleb. Edit: My bad, I thought you posted this like 3 times, the spam got in the way of recent radio chatter. ReEdit: No I was right, you are spamming your server.
  10. You should make a video tut
  11. Im pretty sure you cant anymore, but it use to be SCRL LOck
  12. Lupatchi

    dayz wigging out in option menu

    I would have the most stylish tuppe
  13. Lupatchi

    Breaking Point - TAZE ME MORE!

    love breaking point so much! SO MANY GOOD WEAPONS! sks ftw.
  14. Lupatchi

    DayZ install question

    under settings in dayz commander you can change the file destination of your arma 2 and OA games, E.g Arma 2: Programfiles/bohemiainteractive/ArmA 2.exe ArmA2 OA: Programfiles/steam/steamapp/common/Arma 2 OA.exe
  15. Lupatchi


    Get a decent 5.1 surround sound or, like me a 7.1 surround sound set of headphones, much easier to hear.
  16. Lupatchi

    DayZ install question

    Should be done as easy as that, get commander and change the file locations for both Arma 2 and arma 2 OA
  17. Lupatchi

    Playing Arma 3 Zoombies.. Can i?

    tell that to BE not us.
  18. Lupatchi

    Ability to Access Gear While Unconscious

    I honestly would want to be able to both knock somebody out and tie them up and also steal there shit Like SAMP you can have someone blindfolded and knocked out for 5 minutes. get them to skalka with no gear would be a punishment worse than death.
  19. Lupatchi

    Simple question

    WHy would you want to do that, 1. Im sure you cant and 2 no one would tell you because it is evident you are either hacking or using a cracked version
  20. Lupatchi

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    there are multiple mods ith extra wildlife already, but I think bears are the last thing they are going to be working on. The zombie pathfinding, building desigms and animations are the main attractions to fixes in SA
  21. Lupatchi

    What's your reason to KOS?

    I usually don't, but if there is someone with an AS50 or any other sniper that I want, I kill them and take it.
  22. Lupatchi

    The "DayZ" Feel

    Dayz Breaking Point is a fun new experience, 600+ new primaries and 100+ secondaries!
  23. Lupatchi

    Co-ordinates to Chernarus?

    "Chernarus is a fictional post-Soviet country, accurately recreated from geographical data of real landscape" quoted from arma 2 wiki: community.bistudio.com/wiki/Chernarus
  24. Lupatchi

    Co-ordinates to Chernarus?

    its a fictional place based in the czech republic It might be real, but im positive it isn't.
  25. Lupatchi

    Weird Graphical Glitch

    Shift + numpad - key Type flush