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Everything posted by Lupatchi

  1. Lupatchi

    CD key issues

  2. Lupatchi

    L85 Should it stay or go

    My personal opinion is findable, and addable attatchments to almost any gun. so the L85 Thermal doesnt spawn, but you may add a thermal if you please. under what logic is a ghillie invisible to a thermal scope that picks up HEAT signitures?
  3. Lupatchi

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Go refund it if you want to, honestly. but you clearly have nothing better to do than annoy others that read your post. OBVIOUS TROLL IS OBVIOUS
  4. 1. Right-Click on ArmA 2, reinstall BattleEye 2. Launch ArmA 2 3. Launch ArmA 2: OA 4. Launch Combined Operations 5. Update your DayZ files (Worrom, Sixupdater) 6. Repeat steps 2-4 or re-install it, that might fix it.
  5. thats alot of unessersary highlighting... but if you use dayz commander the right patch info isn't always there. try using six launcher or the legacy browser.
  6. Lupatchi

    Have Ghillie need: m107/as50

    Nah dude, you want a DMR mre than anything. The M107 and the AS50 ammo is hard to find and Nato rounds are near impossible. the dmr is zeroed to 400m which is a good effective sniper range and allows you to be more mobile and quiter.
  7. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    I am still currently mis-banned. I will require assistance for a new cd key.
  8. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    Add John.trollston on skype!
  9. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    Accepted buddy, add john.trollston on skype :) currently my private hive char screwed up and battle eye global banned me, but I will buy another copy of the game shortly :)
  10. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    UPDATE: NOT ACCEPTING AT THE MOMMENT! The leaders account was banned after a seris of glitches and bugs that have affected his character. (deleted a char and removed items) contacting battleeye, will be recruiting tomorrow after I recieve another CD KEY
  11. So, last night I was playing with my buddies and we found a truck, this was a private hive and we were new spawns we parked the truck in a tree and logged off, I joined a public hive and it dupped my character from private. I logged off and slept, next morning I receive this message: Battle Eye Global Ban (e57720)
  12. Lupatchi

    Ban for what? (57720)

    dude, honestly. I didn't hack, I deleted a character and dupped nother, I can play on some servers but not others? wtf!?
  13. Lupatchi

    Ban for what? (57720)

    I can still play OA though? so its not battleye hack ban.
  14. Lupatchi

    Bandit Skin!

    A Suggestion: BRING BACK THE OLD BANDIT SKIN! it was the awsomest thing about bieng a bandit, please bring this back or inprove it (the camo one)
  15. Lupatchi

    Bandit Skin!

    buy the OA dlc for hd texture skins and camos...
  16. Lupatchi

    Bandit Skin!

    The thing that was good about the bandit skin was the CAMO, and you can get a HD model if you buy the british armed forces and the Czech expansion pack.
  17. -all enterable buildings -acceptable loot (having to open drawers and cuboards to find things) -lockable houses and cars (can be pick locked) -enterable tents (bigger liket he medical tents but roomier -camo netting -findable attatchment to edit your gun (supressors camo netting etc.) -different types of helicopters -usable knifes (hunting and kitchen knives) -matches have a certain amout of usage -flint and steel (allows you to have more uses than matches by tonnes) -crowbar on toolbelts to brake into cars -stocking gear in cars requires to dump objects manually into the boot, unstocking vise versa -bieng able to shoot on bike, boats, cars and trucks if you are the pasenger. -armoured vans -helmets, armour and bullet proof vest stop low caliber bullets (9mm etc from dealing emense damage) -more gore!!!!! blowing peoples legs off etc. -realistic hunger and thirst (you dont need to eat and drink 100 times a day irl) -warm clothes in chernarus! -backpacks carry as mutch as they look like they should, i.e the alice pack vs czech pack. -appliable camo to backpacks -gradually increase blood ever so slightly (liek real life) -women able to wear clothing, get sick, feel cold etc. -radiation spikes in certain areas -vehicles that dont spawn broken as hell -expand map? -more varieties of camo? -radios to broadcast to other members in your squad that know the same frequency. -animals with propper AI (starttled by noise and vision of people) -Customisable faces (dimples dirt etc.) that is all for now, reply with more if you think i missed some :)
  18. If they have better loot, I let them blood bag me then kill them :), only rarely on public hive that I do that :)
  19. in that case then if it cmpensates the time you play, they shouldn't use real time.
  20. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    accepted. Add: John.trollston on skype.
  21. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    you will be a gaurd for a week and if you are suited for hero we will promote you. add: John.trollston on skype.
  22. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    ACCEPTED (As long as you speak fluent english. Add: John.Trollston on skype.
  23. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    accepted add john.trollston on skype for the ts server adress, but you waisted money on an alienware tbh....
  24. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    accepted add john.trollston on skype for the ts server adress.
  25. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    accepted add john.trollston on skype for the ts server adress.