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Everything posted by Lupatchi

  1. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    meh, give them the benefit over doubt. good luck to them but, lets be honest. the creativity levels are a bit laking in that post.
  2. Lupatchi

    DayZ 2017 - The Trailer - new arma2/dayz mod

    yes, he is telling you he is making a TRAILER not a game, therefore he is okay. he is a regular dayz video guy, I imagine this "mod" is just resking and texture changes. who cares? does it affect you?
  3. Lupatchi

    DayZ 2017 - The Trailer - new arma2/dayz mod

    its a movie you idiot, he isnt advertising the mod. he is advertising himself and his videos. using the OA editor, not a new mod / game. keep it up karwin! im a long time sub, enjoy your videos.
  4. Lupatchi

    Debug Monitor

    options > gameplay > display > debug. if they removed it, it was for a good reason. mind you if the debug is on, than you food and water indicators wil be glitched and will not show current time statistics.
  5. Lupatchi

    Hero's Of Chernarus

    nah, twas shit stiring.
  6. Lupatchi

    WofjeM Server | Butthurt Admin.

    butthurt faggotry of Dayz private server admins at its finest.
  7. Lupatchi

    Hero's Of Chernarus

    whoops, un original, > http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103350-chernarus-heroes/
  8. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    Soory guys, if possible we need more EU/AU guys, i will be strict on US guys for addmission into the clan. we will stop recruiting entirely after stand alone (subject to change)
  9. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    add john.trollston on skype for the server and ts info
  10. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    we are preparing for stand alone, got my cd key working but.... stand alone is just around the corner, that is when we will touch off and get serious about this.
  11. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    my steam is: Lupatchi I will send you the ts info once you add me.
  12. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    we own both a ts and server. add john.trollston on skype for the info
  13. Lupatchi

    Lone hero looking for a clan.

  14. Lupatchi

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    NO, what he said was that he didnt want a release date as its expected to change DURING the month, so it will still be in december regardless.
  15. Lupatchi

    Died for no reason

    its because yu were incombat, your friend must have shot or you must have in the previous 30 seconds.
  16. Lupatchi


    just more shit to put in my backpack...
  17. If you launch it as OA it will still be CO. I use to have this issue likewise, if youre still unsatisfied, unistall and re-install it.
  18. Lupatchi


    but still, I dont want to look like a pedo >< or an extrimist femanist.
  19. Lupatchi


    its an idea, bit complicated for now, they have so much to work on at the momment that a facial detail will be probably the last thing they care about.
  20. Lupatchi


    still even yet, when you add customisations to that extent to the game, characters will spend hours on it instead of the actual fucking game, I understand maybe just shirt and pants etc, but tattoos etc sound too much. good suggestion though.
  21. Lupatchi


    its a good idea, but players would just make themselves all look like ghillie suited camo guys.
  22. Lupatchi

    Arma II Editor Models

    leave it to karwin luetcher.
  23. Lupatchi

    Steam for the Standalone.

    I presume so, If you pay for the aplpha you pay less for the full steam version when its done in cpmpletion, so I presume the only way to link that is through steam.
  24. Lupatchi

    Admin perks? Rhino Crunch video.

    don't play on his server than? I don't know, call me a genius but..
  25. Lupatchi

    Why does Dayz run so badly on my computer?

    welp, you have a laptop for one.