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Everything posted by Lupatchi

  1. Hey guys, just got my partnership and I really want to stay active at uploading. so my question to you is.... whats the best way to make enjoyable dayz videos? without the whole frankie style scripts. my channel if anyone is interested is: www.youtube.com/lupatchi
  2. Lupatchi

    Massive Idea Line for the Standalone

    I agree 100% with all of theese. Glad to see someone who puts in effort in there thinking.
  3. Im a dirty cheater but give me another chance i promise lelelelel
  4. Lupatchi

    A few suggestions

    as you get more north things become harder to obtain, going to stary shopping centre will only get a 1 in 3 survival rae on a high pop server. what your saying sounds like dayz namalsk. if its what you're looking for download that.
  5. Lupatchi

    [Daizy] No guns at heli crash site

    he fact that its not the offical dayz probably means that parts of it is broken, to fix it play multiplayer of the OFFICIAL dayz
  6. the closed beta keys have been given to a small group of people, when more people get it and the game is in a stable state where streaming it would show more the game than the bugs i imagine would be when we can start to see some streams
  7. Get DayZ commander, it can be found on: http://www.dayzmod.com/?Download it allows you to update the game and download muliple maps easily
  8. Lupatchi

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    It seems that like 70% of youtube is 12 year olds that like my little pony. so trying to keep a mature controlled com would be difficult for a crowd, at the end of the day the thing i feel to do is to just plain simple play and com and edit out the boring parts.
  9. Lupatchi

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    Thanks for the feedback, Ive got rough ideas of editing etc. and keeping it fruitful and to a level of maturity.
  10. Lupatchi

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    I have all nessesary equipment a blue yetti pro etc. and a beast of a pc. im fluent in coms but want to keep attentive and interesting
  11. Lupatchi

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    the new youtube doesnt count video views for deleted videos my partnership required me to remove a couple vids
  12. Lupatchi

    Looking for a youtube partner.

    Skype: john.trollston Age: 16 Location: Australia Scale (1-10) gun skills: 8(preferably snipers) Do you play like a bandit?: at times, i dont usually have a consistant playstyle Special Skills: I am a youtuber my self with a youtube partnership
  13. 97ADU is an Australian DayZ Clan that hosts and plays on multiple servers. We host servers in many location around the world (so there's a server for everyone). Interested? Well join the TS: Don't want to join? That's fine, we still have publicly accessible servers: Panthera: Lingor: Namalsk:
  14. Lupatchi

    realistic shock

  15. hey, just because people have different playstyles than you doesnt mean that they deserve a consiquence. stop bieng butthurt, if you buy the game. play how you like. its an openworld sandbox rpg, part of that is bieng free of choice.
  16. if the target is in yourway or aiming towards you, kill him. if you can, avoid them or take them by surprise from the rear. i honestly kill every bandit I see, or if I see a guy running in my general direction ill kill him... or.... if he has a 50cal or a better gun than me.
  17. I know forn the dmr it is zeroed for 400, each mildot downwards is 100 metres, so if the target is within 400m it would be almost instantanius. if the traget is 500m away you will need 1 mildot down by 1 mildot horizontal.
  18. could you provide more detail? did you fet it on steam? are you using dayz commander what build do you have? whats not working?
  19. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    Chernarus Heros Too long have bandits had the upper hands over bambis. With my new clan we try to be heros and help the new spawns in the coastal areas. If you wish to join there are multiple ranks and jobs, pick one that suites you: Hero; (MAX) A Higher rank that commisions other ranks to areas and missions Medic; (MAX) Someone who heals others on coastal/ inner areas of the map. Cook; (MAX) Someone who helps thoose who needs food in and out of coastal areas. Escort; Someone who takes workers to thier different locations of service. Gaurd; A heavily armed man who helps protects others. Private; someone who stocks camps, raids other towns, gets supplies etc. If you wish to reply message me on skype (john.trollston) or reply to this post with this template: Name: Location: Role: Tell us about youself: Form of communication: Why would you be suited for this role?: (optional) Age?: Confirmed members with roles. Hero: Lupatchi Medic: Hendrus01 Cook: Flintlock Escort: Dribeam Gaurd: oeffler101 Private: Redfox
  20. Lupatchi

    Dayz Heroes

    the original post >http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103350-chernarus-heroes/
  21. Lupatchi

    Dayz Heroes

    glad your honest, but srsly. i dunt know what your on about. who are you?
  22. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    Accepted! add john.trollston on skype for the ts info.
  23. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    yes! another ozzie, be nice to have some more. add john.trollston on skype for the ts info.
  24. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    accepted! add john.trollston on skype for the ts info.
  25. Lupatchi

    Chernarus Heroes

    add, john.trollson on skype. p.s as long as your a mature 14 year old your okay to join.